

Here we will propose important news for electronics and programming, But even general news. This page also features messages from readers. Then you can write on topics of all kinds, you want to share or discuss with others.

The YouTube monopoly

Today 30 March 2021 YouTube has closed the ByoBlu channel !!!

You may not agree with ByoBlu but freedom of information must be defended.
And it cannot be a multinational that decides on these things! It can't be YouTube that decides!
At the very least an Italian court should do it and only after having ascertained serious facts!

ByoBlu was a newspaper duly registered according to Italian rules and did not commit any crime punishable by Italian law. But a multinational like YouTube, who is not Italian, it has arrogated to itself the right to decide which of us Italians can speak and who cannot.

However you think about it, freedom of speech must be defended, you may also disagree with some opinions, but to find out, you must first listen to those opinions. Surely among the many opinions there are also the crazy ones, flat-earthers and those who believe in mermaids, but in the middle there are also the Galileo Galilei and we must not lose those!!!

From now 25 April 2021, you can follow ByoBlu on the canal 262 of digital terrestrial,
or live streaming by pressing This link.

The end of monopolies

The big newspapers and TV, that seemed to live a second life on the web, are falling one after l & #8217; else. They too need money which deforms. Among the few remaining are: “Republic” now completely free and with total censorship on the news more uncomfortable; and “Il Fatto Quotidiano”, It still has some semblance of sincerity, but that is now half battering he too.

We are witnessing the end of an era. On the web you can read or watch what you want when you want, without depending on “that which passes the monastery”. The streaming quality is improved, so even television stations no longer have reason to exist. In fact the most powerful Italian monopoly actions (Mediaset) are in free fall. Lost over the 90% the value from 2000 and beyond the 30% only in the last nine months (the beginning of 2018). To verify this see Google with wordsMediaset bagand then press the “6 months”, “1 year”. “5 years” and “Max”.

Free information (but truly free)

At the time of the free radios, Eugenio Finardi sang “If a radio is free, but truly free“… Today, everything has changed, but the need for freedom of information is always current.

Fortunately, the web allows the birth of a new reality, Social TV that, as explained by Wikipedia, is the convergence of social media and television. Social Television is free information, detached from denarius and the powers that be. A information created from below, not to journalists and with few resources.

The intent of these televisions is to give the news that others hide, without giving reviews, but leaving all & #8217; listeners have the option of having your idea. Don't expect then a professional format, don't expect only news “beyond all reasonable doubt”. Headlines not treated, deodorized, clean and colorful. Are raw and news, as mentioned above, judgment belongs to the listener. For example the motto of Socialtv is: We shall come the doubts, then think with your head.

If you look on the internet about these televisions you will find many negative opinions. And it is good that way. Information that can not be controlled very annoyed gives great economic and political powers. Even the European Parliament, without being noticed, and masking them by laws for copyright, He is trying to muzzle the freedom of information. Listen to the details from Andrea, that is one of the people involved.

Below are some examples of Social Television and Social Media


Byoblu banner

BYOBLU produces almost one video a day and they are all interesting topics. Often unearth topics in which no & #8217; else speaks.

UPDATE OF 25 April 2021

YouTube has eliminated ByoBlu so all the links we proposed on this page no longer work. We leave them because you can experience the pleasure of opening censored pages and seeing the pleasant consequences live.

ByoBlu is a newspaper regularly registered according to Italian rules. Therefore the only bodies that would have the right to suppress it are the Italian courts and only in the face of serious crimes. In this case, however, YouTube, led by the power of the big capitalists, has carried out a very serious act of censorship on opinions.

However you think about it, freedom of speech must be defended, you may also disagree with some opinions, but to find out, you must first listen to those opinions. Surely among the many opinions there are also the crazy ones, flat-earthers and those who believe in mermaids, but in the middle there are also the Galileo Galilei and we must not lose those!!!

Here are some links that we proposed and what now they have been brutally censored. And’ never could these videos, along with others thousands of deleted videos they were all so illegal that they deserved total elimination? And even admitting that some videos, for some incredible reason, were really to be eliminated you could not eliminate only those?

mass impoverishment Strategies
The school wants to mediocre
The degeneration of the school
How to steal from the poor to give to the rich
What we want the Internet
The privatization of health care
How long till the end of the euro

This time YouTube made it big, but “the devil makes the pots and not the lids”, so in the end the truth somehow always finds its way.

From now 25 April 2021, you can follow ByoBlu on the canal 262 of digital terrestrial,
or live streaming by pressing This link.

Broadcast News

Broadcast News

Broadcast News It offers a daily TG Flash, a most efficient summary of the most important news. Just a few minutes of listening pleasure and remains updated. Also Roberto and his staff have a unique quality, They know how to read between the lines of foreign newspapers (German, English, French, Dutch, Chinese etc ..) and manage to find the important news for us Italians. It is not just news that others hide (it happens too), but often difficult to spot news. News that we Italians, not knowing the language and customs of those countries, not be able to understand and interpret.

Here are some examples of short and very interesting video:
The agreements with China
The public debt scam, with tables from 1861 to date
EU Conspiracy to raise the spread
Debt excesses used to force us to accept “European Sovereignty”


Socialtv banner

Also Socialtv It offers many interesting videos, for example, look carefully this video, listen to everything and judged at the end:

Anyone following the previous video you will notice that SocialTV not unconditionally praise the Five Star Movement. Looking at other videos you might think, and it is natural that you speak well of M5S because it is the least corrupt party, but the SocialTV also tells them, when necessary.

Just to get an idea here's a small selection of particularly interesting videos:
They are buying our lives and we sleep
It gave, if you exist, please delete the Vatican
The absurd wealth of the Catholic Church
Who really are the UN and the Council of Human Rights

Popular Sovereignty

Popular Sovereignty

The name, Popular Sovereignty, He rejects denigrating labels sovereignism and populism, to keep clean and untouchable crystalline concepts of sovereignty and the people, which are the foundations of our social pact: the Constitution.

Extract of the first issue:
Popular Sovereignty in January 2019

For more information on this site read here:
Popular Sovereignty – outstanding Enterprise

Social Television and Social Media does not only talk about politics

Here is a small selection divided by topics. These examples, collected randomly and in alphabetical order, They are only a microscopic part of the gift that is on the web, just search and you can find everything.

News: AltreInfo, Byoblu, Broadcast News, Disinformation, G.Paragone, Hungry TV, InformalTV, The maverick, Maurizio Blondet, Pandora TV, Socialtv, Sovranità_Popolare, TvTrash, Alex Vimeo

Economy and socio-economic policies
: Alberto Micalizzi, Economy and Politics, EPIC, Economics Explained Easy, FinanzaInChiaro, FinanzaInChiaroTV, FrancescoCarraro, Lafinanzasulweb, MerxlMa, Paul Barnard, Policy, Scenarieconomici, Whats’up economy, WinTheBank

: Neoliberalism, What to do, What is the single thought, What are derivatives, What is the Spread, Keynesian Multiplier, What is the Keynesian multiplier

applied Psychology: Alberto Lori (who is Alberto Lori), Antonio Quaglietta, Mauro Scardovelli

Science Aerospace: link4universe, Oneira

Music and entertainment: Streezz, TV Jolly, Youtube music

Entertainment e satira: Bastards inside, La7 entertainment, Teleblsso (anxiolytics, The food, The self, cristi burdens), Excelsior Film

Finally, in addition to Social Television, and thanks to the web democracy that allows everyone to become publishers, there are publications of all kinds. Here are some examples of interesting pages that give News that major publishing groups systematically conceal: EuNews, The North, Charts, NoCensura, Word of mouth, Plan B, Siciliani, sovereignist

– – – – – – –

We hope with this to have given at least a small contribution to make you give up the newspapers and the classic TV, first of all Mediaset, which it is a real ball and chain for Italy.

  1. Livio says:

    If one day you'll have a bit 'of time, instead of watching TV you watch these videos.

    They are mechanisms that many of us already intuit, but it is important to know in detail. Sometimes we read or hear on TV sentences containing words like “Neoliberalism”, “Derivatives” and “Keynes”, and maybe we neglect them because they seem boring. But if you know what they mean buying a completely different meaning, become words to be very careful how, for example,: “money”, “danger, “justice”.

    At first, the video may appear boring, or a little’ crafts, ne in Vale la pena.

    This video explains in simple Neoliberalism:
    Interview with Nando Ioppolo

    This video explains, with a short film, the “Neoliberalism” And the “Post Keynesian Economics”, who they are represented by an international banker and a young journalist.
    “Neoliberalism” and “Post Keynesian Economics”

    If you liked the previous videos might go into that with these:
    Nando Ioppolo – What are derivatives
    Nando Ioppolo – What is the single thought

    And if you have more time you could also look at these:
    Mauro Scardovelli – Keynes or neo-liberalism
    Mauro Scardovelli – How injustice became “Natural”
    Mauro Scardovelli – Neoliberalism is not compatible with the teachings of Jesus and of the Masters

    And finally, it would not hurt to read what Wikipedia says about these topics:

  2. Livio says:

    Listen to these videos, I know you're used to “format” Mediaset and newspapers, so many craft and seem strange. But instead they are deadly serious topics, do not understand it means to delegate our future to others. And these “other” they do not want our good, but only to make profit.






    Fabio Dragoni (“Te woman give birth in pain, you will be working man with sweat, devalue the currency is impossible, devalue the work yes, it is necessary”)

  3. LW says:

    I read this news report and it all sounds great. I noticed you have no “contact us” link info so I’ll try to get a response here. I have built my diy spectrometer and have been using Public Labs online software. Now I would like to download your spectrometer software and try it with my spectrometer. I read it is free but I have not found a download link for the spectrometer software though many have praised it on youtube. So how much does it cost to use your software?

    • Livio says:

      All our software is completely free and Open Source. And the hardware projects are too.

      The spectrometer is here:

      The software to be downloaded is always at the end of each project, in the area highlighted in green.

      Our software is downloaded in a ZIP, then you will need to decompose from the ZIP into a folder of your choice, and launch the EXE file. You do not need to install the software and therefore it is “portable” on other computers. Moreover it do not change anything on your computer, outside the folder where you put it.


      The next time you could easy find all our projects with the “search” box that is present in every page of the theremino site.

      You could also use this page as an index of all the projects:

      The references to write via email are here:

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