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Hello everyone. I'm doing some tests with the NetModule and work well even though I have followed the instructions and “reset” the Firewall with the last of three commands that are suggested in the Help.
The NetModule works even if personally I managed to get it going in either auto SoftAP and not in Station DHCP. Probably I have to set something in the router ?
I got satisfaction in doing work for 3 items Thereminici all together: Netmodule, NetHAL and Theremino Voice. Practically by connecting only one LED (with fall resistance) on a digital pin of NetModule is realized immediately “Wireless Voice Activated LEDS”! Seeing is believing!
Speaks with Prakash thereminostore, now he is an expert and will help you get it going in all modes.
I also tried the NetModule and I went to the first shot with ease.
I'd like to be able to use more than one analog input.. And’ purchase the form to expand inputs ?
from what I understand they are working in order to use the adc-24 theremino module coupled to the netmodule but I think it will take a few months.
Salve, by chance there were developments concerning the use of’ ADC-24 combined with netmodule? I'm starting to use theremino and the ability to do it wirelessly seems great
We couldn't get it to go, because the chip ESP8266 contains an error in the administration of the SPI communication. Does not read the last bit of the packet, because the chip of ADC24 takes away too early on as. In fact the ADC24 operates according to the characteristics, but it is the ESP8266 that does not read on the face, How should, but a little’ After.
We are now trying to use the ESP32, but there are teething problems, you are still unable to compile. Or sooner or later we will succeed but I can't tell you how long it will take.
Thank you very much; Dear. I'll try to buy a Schmitt Trigger to match the netmodule, that eventually to dataloggare a little’ of environmental parameters ought to do it the same (I wouldn't be too frequent readings).
Thanks again
On the website it describes a “ADC with Schmitt Trigger” done on purpose to transform the digital inputs in the Adc also of NetModule , though I haven't seen it on ebay and thereminostore
Write to Prakash thereminostore, Li is doing these days.
But keep in mind you are Adc from 10 bits limited. So good to read a temperature or read potentiometers adjust something. But if you are used to the Geophones are very noisy.
I tried to make a FlickerMeter using the component on Board of small modules “Finger HeartBeat Sensor” the Keyes, that we work for that purpose (detect beats) but the component that acts as a receiver would seem to work, Once disassembled, as a light sensor to detect the flickering.
Can anyone tell me if they are phototransistors or photodiodes?
I did not find on the WEB no pattern of such moduletti, But assuming the component as a phototransistor LTR series (IR?) (pinout: Ir Emitter/Collector) It seems to work: the master receives the signal and decodes it FlickerMeter indicating plausible values, just that you have to work with low resistance values set via potentiometer.
Let me start by saying that I have already ordered the phototransistor indicated on but you know…. the desire to experiment…!
If you have to hold the potentiometer on low then it is definitely a phototransistor, and you've also hooked up right.
With transistors stated by us shall you would have the same results, so if you still can not get them.
If you always work with a lot of light, and then you have to hold the potentiometer very low, and hard to adjust it, then you could replace the potentiometer with one of lowest value.
Here you find explanations on the module Keyes:
And here the pattern:
The Keyes KY-039 whack to detect heartbeats, but in most places I read that mounts a normal photo transistors.
They say it's an infrared phototransistor and so should go wrong (not very sensitive to visible light), but you say you have to keep the trimmer down and also from images have a transparent envelope and not black.
So I think it's an unfiltered and phototransistor that is properly sensitive to normal light. So it should be fine.
Thanks Livio!
You've taken a couple to detect the beating but do not work. So I tried to retrieve the component. I'll do some testing and let you know.
Hello everyone. I tried to use the application adc24 to control the balance two scales, and I was fine.
I checked out a drift over time but I think it is for the quality of the cells
I guess you could use even with tension load cells type S regardless of load right ? (I thought I'd try it with cells from 500 kg).
I seem to have seen the opportunity to calibrate for more points, in theory I calibrate on two points, one of which is zero if I'm not mistaken. The alternative is not to use balance and make me a line checking mV and weight ?
The drift is definitely not due to Adc24, its accuracy is far greater than the mechanical precision load cells. If this variation is under load then it is normal. When you load cells, slowly deform. So it is well clear, weigh within 30 seconds and then remove the load.
Regarding the calibration points normally should not serve because the cells are fairly linear. But if you really want to, You'll get a table of calibration and interpolate the values.
You can do this in many languages, even with the simple Theremino_Automation, but it has many limitations and cannot read the table from a file. So I would recommend you to use Excel (VBA), or Theremino_Script, or VbNet or CSharp with VisualStudio 2008 (but it is quite difficult to learn at first).
Useful links:
Thanks Livio.
Timely and accurate!
Hello everyone!
And’ You can read dall'Adc24 utilizzanto Theremino Office?
Thank you
Certainly, serve:
– A Master
– A Adc24
– One application Theremino_HAL
– HAL Open and configure the PIN 7 as Adc24
– Configure dell'Adc24 PIN you want to use
At this point the data from dall'Adc24 go on Slots and all applications, including Excel, can read them.
I wanted to start a CNC project with Theremino.
I ordered a Master Dil from Ino-Store, payed by Paypal.
But i don’t get any answer from Ino-Store.
I emailed them several times, no response and the order is still processing.
I think i lost my money.
So, better not buy there!
There was certainly an error, the site “store-ino” (and not “ino store” as you wrote) is completely safe. Please write to me at “engineering at theremino dot com” and I will personally take care of this. I will contact you immediately and, if there was an error, you will have some Modules as a gift.
Hi, Livio.
The store-ino site is here:
Today i finally received the order confirmation.
The mails that i send were in his spam mail.
Thanks Livio for your mail and help.
Ok, thanks.
I speaked with Lello (the eBay vendor called maxtheremino) and the next time you do an eBay order you will receive a little gift. You will receive eBay orders in only two or three days because they are not from Chine.
the theremino project is great!
Unfortunately, I need several analog inputs and must use the NetModul. Is it possible to connect the ADC24 to the NetModul?
I’ve searched here, but found nothing on the subject. Or did I miss something ?
Happy new year
Nice day
The NetModule firmware is not capable to connect the Adc24 and we will not expand it because of the poor capabilities of the ESP8266. But there are good news for you!
We are developping a new module, based on the Expressif ESP32. The new module is similar to our Master (connectable via USB), and to the NetModule (WiFi), and also programmable as an Arduino (via the Arduino IDE). In addition it is very powerful (32 bit and 250 MHz) and has 26 in-out pins. It will be also connectable to the Adc24 (using an Arduino library).
The new IotModule will be ready in the next three months and has the following characteristics:
Just downloaded Theremino MCA v 7.3, running it on Windows 10 Pro 64-bit and it keeps crashing. When this happens, the upper section of the main window, (the menu area) is replaced with a blank box with a big red X across it.
The error window is thrown up by the NET system, and gives the following reason:
************* Exception Text **************
System.ArgumentException: Rectangle ‘{X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=27}’ cannot have a width or height equal to 0.
at System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush..ctor(Rectangle rect, Color color1, Color color2, LinearGradientMode linearGradientMode)
at Theremino_MCA.Form_Main.ToolStrip1_Paint(Object sender, PaintEventArgs e) …..
Following lines Removed because not significative
Try this:
– Close the MCA app.
– Ensure that no other instances of the MCA app. are running
– Delete the file “Theremino_MCA_INI.txt” that is near the application MCA.exe
– Start the app. “Theremino_MCA.exe”
If after this the MCA is already not working, then your PC has lost some DotNet DLL.
Try to reinstall DotNet 3.5 or 4.0.
Try also on another PC
In the past five years no one has reported a similar problem with the MCA app.
Thanks for your suggestions. Deleting the file worked. I will go over what I was doing with the program and see if I can recreate the problem. I will also reinstall DotNet 3.5 and 4.0 as you suggest.
On your page :
the following links are broken or no longer point to videos:
Tomy’s YouTube channel ( no longer seems to have any videos on Theremino or Nuclear spectroscopy at all, as near as I can make out.
All of the url’s listed
( = K1M9mlxc2cA = NXQRuibuPqo)
Are also absent.
Thanks for this report.
We wrote to crnazvijezda and now we wait the response.
Good morning, i have an hp notebook with WIN7 / 64 bit, I would like information if possible: the Behringer UCA202 sound card is compatible with the DAA? In February I had ordered the CM6206 recommended by you but because of the pandemic it never arrived and still give delivery times (from China) at least two months, at this point I don't trust to order it again, I find Behringer in Italy relatively quickly. Thank you so much if you can answer me, in any case, I congratulate you for the overtime you do, greetings to all
Hello, all sound cards are compatible with the DAA, so the Behringer UCA202 will also work for sure.
But most likely it won't work in continuous or in any case none of us know how and if we could modify it to make it go in continuous. And not even if after the changes it would work stably.
So with a different card than the one recommended, you will end up with a half oscilloscope that can only see the changes from 10 Hz up.
Try asking Lello (eBay maxtheremino seller) if he can send you one of the good ones. If he has it, he will get it to you in three days and maybe already changed to continue.
Find it here:
Or write to him here:
Thanks Livio for your help, then I'll let you know how it went, meanwhile good job and congratulations again
Hello everyone and thank you for the excellent and free work for creating a software to program PIC with PicKit2.
I have been using only GNU / Linux for over twenty years, so I ran it through Wine. The program starts and everything seems to work, unfortunately Wine does not support USB devices, to which I had to switch with Oracle VM VirtualBox to original Windows XPsp3, but if i launch PICkit2V2.exe winzozz tells me:
“PICkit2V2.exe – .NET Framework inizialization error”, “Unable to find a version of thje runtime to run this application.”.
What can I do?
I really don't know, I'm sorry.
Years ago we tried to get our applications running on Linux and found dozens of such problems. And to say that we compiled natively, without virtual machines.
After many months of work we had managed to get the two or three main applications working, but they were struggling and the graphics did not run smoothly. Then, after about a year, they changed the Linux version and nothing worked anymore.
So it should be you, Linux experts, to tell us what to do and not vice versa.
We have published the sources, run them on Linux and we will publish them right away.
We have already prepared the page for Linux for you and that page is waiting, for over ten years, for some Linux expert to fill it.
NET Framework Error ?
I guess you have already tried installing the DotNet Framework.
If you haven't, you can find it here:
I find the product interesting but there is no link on any of the download pages to download the basic spectrometer. All of the links are for customization. I do not understand why there is not a simple button to download instead a lot of text info and hype but no simple button to download. Is the products intention to create click bait and not to deliver any product. If this is the case you have succeeded. Please make a button at the top with the operating system required and then move to download.
More on the navigation of this website. To get to the download of the software you need to got to applications tab not the download tab. This seems counter intuitive to me. Good luck to users that want to download but Really NEED TO GO TO APPLICATIONS and then download.
I’m sorry for my lack of English but I don’t understand the problem well. Maybe you would like to shop from us? In this case I’m sorry but our system is non-profit and we don’t sell anything, we just explain “how to do it”.
The download links are always found at the end of each chapter and are highlighted in light green.
The spectrometer is here:
And the download links are at the end of the chapter, highlighted in green! Maybe you haven’t gone down enough to see them? They are right at the end of the chapter, before the new “OilMeter” chapter begins.
If instead the problem was that you could not find the spectrometer chapter, then I inform you that in all our pages there is a “Search” box (top left of each page). If you write “Spectrometer” in that box, you will find it immediately, and you will also find all the other pages on our site that talk about it.
There are also some useful options for english people:
– After you searched with the search text box you could use the right mouse button and select “Translate in english”
– With the right mouse button you can also translate the site pages.
– Or you can switch to the english site version using the box in the to right of each page.
– To search in a long page you could also use CTRL-F and search for example “Spectrometer”, or “Download”
Hello there!
Really great page!
I have a question regarding geopreamp. Is there any substitude for LT6014 amp? I’m based in Germany and it seems like it is not possible to find it anymore. I’m also trying to look into the DIP version of the amp, not surface mount, so I could build just a simple circuitry. Maybe you have some suggestions?
Thanks and kind regards!
Please use the right mouse button and choose “To translate into German”
You can find them at Mouser:
Or even from Amazon:
Or from DigiKey:
The RS:
O da Analog Devices che li produce:
Or by the Chinese, for example here:
Or the equivalent MAX44248ASA from Farnell
Or you can write to Lello who sells the modules Theremino ADC24, which are even better than the GeoPreamp.
The GeoPreamp page dates back to about ten years ago
and in the meantime we have made the ADC24 which is very good
and which also has software adjustable gain:
Thank you for the reply!
I’m more interested in building GeoPreamp, because I would like to use geophone as the listening device. It’s more for sound related project. I would use “signal” output of your circuitry as an audio source. The schematics of your circuitry I would like to transfer into the paper circuit, that’s why I was asking about more alternative options of LT6014 amp and possible DIP versions of it, not surface mount .) But of course I can also figure out something with surface mount version I guess, using SOIC to DIP converter :D
Thanks for the links! I will have a look on them!
Kind regards!
For audio, you could also use more common opamps, for example the following, which are also found in DIP houses (not SMD).
MAX 4475
MAX 4476
MAX 4477
MAX 4478
And they are all very low noise, even lower than the LT6014.
We had chosen the LT6014 because it was suitable for geophones but if you use them for audio everything changes. And a lot depends on what signal you send to its input. Maybe an electret microphone ?
As an input I will use geophone! :) That’s why I want to build your preamp.
I basically just would like to amplify the signal of the geophone, give an additional gain and bring the bandwidth in the range 0.2 – 180 Hz. As I understand from schematics the output would be the same signal from the geophone, just processed via all the components. So I actually could use it as an audio signal. I just would like to listen to vibrations loud :D Nothing too complicated :D
You think in this case I could use any other low-noise operational amp (from the ones that you have mentioned above) instead of LT6014? Or should I stick to LT6014?
Thanks for your reply and kind regards!
Good Morning Erika.
I seen in the past the geophone used as you want, in one artistic performance. In that case, the geophone was put in a big container filled with water, in order to collect more sounds, and create one ‘impedance adaptor’ (like when you are in the bathtub and you put your head under the water: you can listen many sounds from the house).
The sounds was listened direcly, as you plan, but using headphones, in order to separate room noises.
You say that you want to use the range 0,2 – 180 Hz.
You onsidered that the human ear can’t listen below 20 Hz.
You can use one upconverter, in order to shift the signal 20 Hz up, but I don’t know if the result will be good.
Maybe is possibile for your purpooses to experiment using the binaural beat, only in headphones (, but this way don’t make the sounds really percepibles, only create this information into the brain.
Moreover, this effect, despite is scientifically accepted, is not the same in all the persons and in all the situations.
I founded only the italian wiki page for this.
Hello! Thanks for your reply!
Yes you are correct, I would like to use geophones as an “instrument” for recording the sound and performing! :D
Do you by any change remember the name of the performance you have seen? Maybe I could find something about it online :D
About the range of 0,2 – 180 Hz I was thinking to add to the circuitry additional part that will translate the lowest frequencies into out hearing range.
Binaural beats are great, would be interesting to experiment with a few geophones placed in a different places with that .)
There is a very interesting product made my company LOM, where they converted the geophone into the vibrational pick up. I’m looking into some diy version of making something similar :D
I think I could get pretty close to this geophone with building preamp that theremino proposed :)
Kind regards!
Hallo, You can't just use the right button for translation, but also select the German language for the entire website at the top right of each page. That way you should see all the comments in German, even if they are written in Italian or English.
Yes, the output is exactly the same as the input signal but amplified.
Yes, you can use any other op amp that has low input voltage noise (the LT6014 has a noise of 9.5 NV/sqHz)
Then (I forgot it) for this circuit we need Rail to Rail opamps, so from the list I made you there are less. Also if you want them not SMD but DIP8 there are even less left.
I therefore advise you:
MCP6022 da 8.7 NV/sqHz
LMP7702 is 9 NV/sqHz
Thank you very much!
That’s exactly what I needed to know! :D
Kind regards!
Before building the external circuit you could use Audacity to record the sounds and then to multiply them by frequency up to 50 times using “Effects / Change tempo and pitch”.
Or find other PC applications that do.
To record, however, you should use a modified sound card to run until continuous, like the one indicated in the Input Devices file that you download from here:
Thank you!
However you think about it, freedom of speech must be defended, you may also disagree with some opinions, but to find out, you must first listen to those opinions. Surely among the many opinions there are also the crazy ones, flat-earthers and those who believe in mermaids, but in the middle there are also the Galileo Galilei and we must not lose those!!!
From now 25 April 2021, you can follow ByoBlu on the canal 262 of digital terrestrial,
or in live streaming by clicking on this link.
Good morning Erika.
I answer in Italian because I think Livio prefers it.
The artistic use of the geophone that I had seen dates back to an installation carried out in 2008 in an old children's colony, in a small town near Genoa.
The geophone was only part of the installation, and I don't think there is any information available.
The artists were friends of a friend of mine who unfortunately passed away, and therefore I don't even know how to find their names. If I can find information I write it here.
I remember listening to headphones, and that some noises (such as the passage of vehicles on the adjacent road) they could be heard simultaneously both in the headphones and directly.
For this reason I have some doubts about the frequency transposition, as the sounds would become unreal.
In any case, in my opinion, information below the audible threshold should be perceived by the observer as something other than the normally audible sounds.
In addition to the ability to convert inaudible sounds into binaural beats, that not all people would perceive, you could try to convert them into a stimulus to associate with other senses.
They could become tactile stimuli, thermal or bright.
Or they could slowly swing a platform on which the listener can get on.
I’m new to this site, I have been trying to use the theremino spectrometer application with a webcam spectometer i made. The problem is that when i try to calibrate it, the two wavelength points aren’t able to move close enough to align with the peeks. It seems like the software has a limitation on how close the two points (436 and 546) can be. Is there a way to disable this limite so i can calibrate the software?
I think you are trying to use wrong lines as calibration points.
Or your diffraction grating deflects very little, I’ve never seen anything like it.
The minimum distance between the two is given by physical laws, bringing them further closer would result in negative nm at the beginning of the scale or would encroach on disproportionately long infrareds.
And what’s more, the visible part would be served by so few pixels that it would have a horrible resolution.
You must have something wrong with the mechanical positions of the spectrometer, perhaps the mechanical angles between the slit, grating and camera are wrong and therefore you hit zero on one side or at nm beyond 4000 if it is rotated on the opposite side.
I guess you're trying to use the wrong lines as calibration points.
Or your diffraction grating deflects very little, I've never seen anything like it.
The minimum distance between the two is given by physical laws, Bringing them closer together would result in negative nm at the beginning of the scale or would encroach on disproportionately long infrared.
And on top of that, the visible part would have served so few pixels that it would have a horrible resolution.
You must have something wrong with the mechanical positions of the spectrometer, Maybe the mechanical angles between the slit, Reticle and camera are wrong and so you hit zero on one side or Nm beyond the 4000 if it is rotated to the opposite side.
Your WebCam is probably rotated badly and therefore the visible spectrum is too far shifted towards infrared or ultraviolet.
In this case you just need to rotate the camera ensuring that the visible spectrum is approximately in the middle part of the image.
If the total image is indicated with minus signs, the visible spectrum should be approximately where the + signs are
In this example you see where the visible spectrum should be located:
Probabilmente la tua WebCam è ruotata male e quindi lo spettro visibile è troppo spostato verso gli infrarossi o verso gli ultravioletti.
In questo caso ti basterà ruotare la camera guardando che lo spettro visibile si trovi circa nella parte mediana della immagine.
Se la immagine totale è indicata con i segni meno, lo spettro visibile dovrebbe trovarsi circa dove sono i segni +
In questo esempio si vede dove dovrebbe apparire lo spettro visibile:
Hello again,
You were correct about the spectrum being too far shifted towards infrared. Rotating the camera fixed it, thanks for the help!
Hello, I am a physics student and have not graduated yet. I want to do a (MCA) before graduating, but I am unsure about the steps or components needed. Could you please provide a list of what I need for an MCA to help me navigate through this process?
Hello, you need:
– A photomultiplier tube Hamamatsu R6095 with a suitable NaiTl crystal as explained in the PDF documentation you download from this page:
The English documentation direct link is:
– A PMT adapter like this:
– The application Theremino_MCA V7.3 and the documentation you download from this page:
Lello can help you to have all the components. contact Lello on this page:
The Lello mail is: