The first interest of producers of antivirus, It's not exterminate viruses, but keep a constant climate of terror to increase sales. In their laboratories have all it takes to create viruses and enormous interests that will push them to do so.
At best do not create them, but surely there are growing, and every so often I miss someone.
There will never be safe.
The war of the percentages
Every year we made hundreds of classifications that dictate what “The best antivirus”. And all focus primarily on two parameters:
- Detection rate
- Scanning speed
It turns out that the ’ antivirus AAA finds the 99,8% viruses, While Microsoft Defender only 92%, and that the AAA ’ antivirus scans an entire HardDisk in two hours, While Microsoft Defender employs three. But what the producers of commercial antivirus they look good from point out is what happens after the virus was detected.
The power to not get caught around and climb over from viruses (We define Stopping Power) is not as high as it might appear from the ranking of “The best antivirus”. We can say with certainty, to have it tested in many real cases. And we can also say with certainty that we have never seen a virus climb over the Microsoft Security or the Defender. And c ’ is also some logic in all of this, as explained below in this page.
The conflict of interest
The commercial antivirus are not designed to exterminate the virus, If they did would earn. Their first interest is not l ’ efficiency, but sfilarvi of pocket money. Why do they use any means, to increase the percentages and leaderboards. It doesn't matter if every now and then I delete applications that are not viruses, or better yet, so increases ’ insecurity and fear. And it doesn't matter if they become unbearable and annoying, so you end up buying them. Eventually it was forced to disable the features more aggressive and discovery rates plummet.
The commercial antivirus are false friends, their interest and ours didn't coincide. C ’ is a conflict of interest which brings them, inevitably, to choose their own good and not in our.
Microsoft instead, has exactly the same interest as we do, i.e. free Windows from viruses. And also has a “Stopping Power” unreachable, because he knows the deep details of the operating system.
Free antivirus
The antivirus “free” in fact they are not, they charge with small terrorist messages, hassle after hassle, they manage to finish a certain number of users and get him to buy the full version.
Go see what says MacAfee in person:
Of course it's a playful videos, without a precise moral. But for those who can read between the lines the meaning is clear: "The commercial antivirus, are Gangster selling security“. In Italy we also other cute names, to define who asks “The lace”.
Fortunately there is a safe alternative, terrorism by MacAfee and his shady buddies, Microsoft's free antivirus.
Free Microsoft tools, can we trust?
Microsoft has a paid version of its tool for security, so it has no interests, in keeping the virus and the climate of fear.
- Instead Microsoft is very interested in operating systems free from viruses.
- Microsoft knows the deep details of the operating system and can change them if necessary. So its solutions are always the most efficient.
Everyone is always so busy speak ill of Microsoft, that becomes difficult to notice what makes good and free. Many speak of evil, because they have great interests behind, first of all the Antivirus vendors.
False information circulating on the net
In addition to viruses there are also parasites (humans). To defend against them is bene install AdBlockPlus, as explained here.
Some are actually paid under the table, others write “hearsay” and their gain is to increase clicks, earn more money with advertisements.
About computer viruses and antivirus will write to all colors, for example read this page:
In this case the dear Ehow, confuses the English word “Essentials”, with the Italian word “Essential”, that means “simple” or even “minimal”. And concludes that: “Security Essentials is a commodity”.
Too bad that “Essentials” in English it means all ’ more! Definition of Essentials: “Extremely important”, “A thing that is absolutely necessary”, Adjective: “Extremely important”, Noun: “What an absolutely necessary”. Here is shown how easy it is to spread false rumors.
Nothing wrong, It would admit l ’ error and correct. So we wrote to the dear Savior, concerning his sentence: “Security for Microsoft, by his own admission, is a commodity“, asking him where he read this “his own admission“. And he responded, but replaced the sentence with: “Security Essentials is a commodity“
We rewrote and waited long, but it hasn't responded, It's also paid him by one or more producers of Antivirus? Notice how insists repeatedly recommending some antivirus, and see if it offers four (BitDefender, Panda, Avira and Avast) and see if Kaspersky is missing that would have every right to appear, and even before these four. Maybe Kaspersky doesn't pay?
We “bad guys” to speak ill of these parasites? No, Indeed, We were all too good and kind. Read what others write other:
Uninstall all antivirus lurking in the HardDisk, preinstalled, gifts, and always ready to jump out and bite.
Enabled “Microsoft Defender”, that is already prepared in the operating system from Windows 8 onwards. Or install Microsoft Security Essentials, on earlier operating systems.
Is easy and quick. You will forget that there are viruses and computers will become happy and snappy.
Our tests
These are not the usual test, made in an aseptic environment and reported “hearsay”, from a magazine all ’ other. Are findings made in person, on normal computer, normal users, that they took the computers you want to adjust. And we have verified that, While there are antivirus installed and working, the virus had managed to pass. While with Microsoft Security that never happened.
For many years we have installed Microsoft Security on all our computers (in the lab we use four and between co-workers and friends we get to some other ten). No one has seen a single virus. During the same period two acquaintances, one with AVG and Avast, they caught the despicable Cryptolocker. A virus that sequesters the files, and returns them in Exchange for 100 Euro, in bit-coins. No need to have a backup HD, Why did the second crypt HD. One of our acquaintances has also paid the ransom.
In January 2015, While we sailed on a site of 3D algorithms, the Trojan “Ramsom Reveton” attacked the main PC lab and was promptly exterminated by Microsoft Security. About two months ago, exactly this same virus, attacked the computers of our acquaintance, and the antivirus Avast failed to stop him. With Avast damage has been exaggerated, thousands of encrypted files and lost forever, and also very afraid. With Microsoft Security, everything was resolved in minutes, serenely and without losing any files.
An open source operating system has fewer viruses?
An open source operating system, for example Linux, is inherently less secure because virus makers can know every detail and bypass it easily. Linux has fewer Windows viruses, not because it is better or more robust, but because it is underutilized and therefore less attractive to antivirus vendors (and viruses).
How come, We are writing this open source site? Because even the good things, If you overdo it, become evil. And therefore also the DIY must have a limit.
To build a single transistor takes days of processing, vacuum pumps and hazardous chemicals. Then a limit should be established for strength, but where? There is a point where you just make a Division and it is reasonable to place it on the border of the operating system. The demonstration of this is Linux, a superior operating system and also free. So why don't we use all? Because he lacks something, It never finished, not found the drivers, etc…
Save on operating system is like having your own wheels. It would make sense to do the tires to save? And they would be sure the tires made in the kitchen, boiling the rubber in a pot?
Bring back the Green Microsoft Security Essentials on XP
On some computers, especially older you can't install Windows 10. In these cases, you can continue to use Microsoft Security.
This new version is easy to install and works on PCs that had not “Security Essentials” installed. This version should no longer expire and virus definition updates continue to arrive regularly, like on Windows 10.
Download this ZIP file and follow the instructions “Instructions.txt”:
For some time now, After the latest Windows updates 10, pervasive invasiveness (excuse the cacophony) operating system security system stops me numerous programs that they should write their setting files on the C drive: . Among these various slicing (Replicator, Skeinforge, etc…) You cannot store my settings. Aside from the fastidiosissimo alert that appears each time I click right button to unzip or move a file downloaded from the internet (and various other unnecessary warnings), the latest gem is the inability to launch the new Theremino HAL 6.0 just downloaded without a confirmation prompt appears (“Can't verify the Publisher blah blah blah”) What that seems to prevent Theremino CNC open contextually HAL when I start up. This even after disabling every possible control, by UAC Smartscreen, the control of certificates to the file “dangerous”, checks on my intranet to those on the internet. Despite having exposed greatly my pc to various risks, blocking Theremino HAL (and not only) persists. I would love a solution “miraculous”!
Hello, Here are the recommendations “miraculous”
Do not disable anything you've written (UAC, SmartScreen, certificate checking, dangerous files, Intranet and Internet checks), restore all, they are useful things and do not give any discomfort to your applications thereminiche.
Windows-10 is not “invasive”, works fine on all computers, best of all operating systems passed. We have dozens in proof, among the various contributors and four or five, here in the lab, they are turned on all day and writing problems never happen.
So there must be something big that we're missing…
Of course when you download our files must “approve that are poorly understood“, We ain't no Adobe or Microsoft! And we don't have the means to pay the mafia certifications! Though our files are all strictly of ZIP, so don't bite, You can download them quiet won't run alone. You can open them and see what's inside and, to the limit, check the source and recompile them. Everyone can look into, Why are Open Source, and this ensures they're clean.
Another possibility is that you're launching applications without first unzip the ZIP (right click on ZIP and then “unzip the folder xxxx“)
Or are you placing our apps into folders “of system”, as “Program files” or “Windows”. I advise you always to work only “to your door”, that is, from “Users/your name” down. For example you could make a folder “Theremino” in at “Documents” and put them on all our applications.
Or you have a non-Microsoft antivirus and maybe more than one, horror! Or maybe even the anti malware. If so uninstall them all and enable only “Microsoft Defender”.
Also try to go on our EXE file, do “Right button” “Property” and check the tab “General” It says, at the bottom right, “The file has been blocked because it comes from another computer”. In this case do: “Unblock” (This usually doesn't happen with internet downloads, but it can happen by copying the files from one computer to another)
If all this is not enough, call us at 0125 57290, from 09 at 19, and we'll find out together what happens.
Still a board type “miracle cure”
Some applications (Replicator, Skeinforge, etc ...) maybe go to write out from their homes, Maybe in “Programs”, or in “Common Files” or in “Program files” or in “Registry” (terrible choice) or in other protected folders. In this case they will not write, unless you run them as an administrator.
If applications are located in your personal area, then they can definitely write their settings without any problems. But they must do it always in my folders.
All our applications don't write anything outside their folders and much less of “Registry”.
The “personal zone” are, for example,:
“C:\UsersMarco” and all subfolders that descend from it
“C:\Marco” and all subfolders that descend from it
A drastic cure for programs that are in the wrong folder, they can't write their settings or for other reasons are unable to function well, is to go on their EXE file (not the link but right on the EXE file), Press the right menu and choose “Property” And then “Compatibility” and finally set “Run this program as an administrator“
Thank you so much for the tips. I also think there is something that escapes me. On the tablet I use on CNC warning messages are in general extremely limited and in particular Theremino 6.0 is not hung on startup.
The problems are on pc wiry I use continuously, also be used to design. The first thing I did after reading your comments about antivirus was to uninstall Avast (It still continually broke the boxes and persisted in throwing the trash Theremino 6.0 as if it were infected, you have not paid enough? :-)). But nothing has changed. Any contrivance has used, even the most dangerous, didn't change anything, exact same messages.
Point out that the various ReplicatorG, Skeinforge, Slic3r (all run as administrator) from what I saw, write setting files in my C directory:/user/Marco.
But coming back to HAL Theremino, There is the Unblock and popping up”Run as administrator” the result is only to replace the notice “Can't verify the Publisher…” with that “Allow this app by unknown author blah blah”.
I confess that I'm starting to doubt that these hitches arise from the fact (for many months, Anyway) you have disabled the password prompt when accessing Windows on pc indicted but not on everyone else that I use and that does not give problems. I will check and let you know.
Off topic: on the tablet I replaced the directory Theremino HAL within that Theremino CNC by putting the new 6.0 instead of the 5.4 and now on this pc doesn't start anymore when opening CNC Theremino Theremino HAL (Although there is no warning or block type). Evidently it's not just a Windows security lock. How do I do? Thanks again.
Disable Windows logon password request does not involve problems, We disable on all PCs.
Maybe HAL will not start because you changed your name?
Or maybe because you haven't copied the right files, in the right folders?
Or did you change your name to folders?
There is definitely something that you're missing. Would like to identify it, so you can help others with the same problem. If you can install TeamViewer and then call us, so we can see for themselves what happens (today, Sunday 24, do not fit all hours, but try the same and either sooner or later we will feel, other days you can call from 09 at 19)
Perhaps it would be best not to complicate these posts and communicating by email until we have identified the problem (then we will delete these messages and act only the solutions). Then, If you can't call, write to
I share the little utility’ antivirus on machines “Home”. Judicious use and care about what you do’ lowers the risk threshold. I can't find correct profiling on linux, and here you'll understand that I am a user of the Penguin. It’ a homemade OS , and the parallel with the machine and’ misleading. Many companies are working on linux “important”.. IBM, SUN, ORACLE, GOOGLE, AMD, Intel, NVIDIA and Microsoft itself. And also, Of course, many amateurs, but not inexperienced or unprofessional. As you well know , the same Android and’ Linux! And have the source code available to all, and’ real easy’ the analysis on the part of hackers, but it also facilitates the analysis and patching by “good” :)…
Just to fool around…… Following your reasoning, even the police have no interest in tackling crime…. Without it they would have no reason to exist. …… And come to think of it…..but and’ just as a joke.. EH!
What you wrote is right (from a certain point of view) and what I wrote is (from another point of view). And also on law enforcement there are views… There is no good without evil, and vice versa. Anyway you have every right to explain your point of view, If you want you can also write a document and we'll publish it.
I however rest of my opinions. But I'll tell you something, get busy, improved Linux. When will it be convenient as Windows and will make all applications in the system Theremino and all the applications that I used to use for twenty years, then I won't wait five minutes latest Windows and install Linux. But until then, I prefer to use an operating system that makes me turn the 90% the software that exists in the world. Not to mention of Android that I feel like I'm in a box.
The series of BIG as IBM, SUN, ORACLE, GOOGLE, AMD, etc.. you've submitted, makes me think I misspoke the example of boiling the rubber in a pot in the kitchen. I didn't want to just say that Linux is crafted, But what an operating system is so complex that not be Constructible in Open Source.
The design of an operating system, as well as the design of a processor, must be stable and strictly controlled. You say that so is Linux, but I think not and I won't believe it until Linux does not convince at least 50% of the world's population.
Then renew the invitation, get busy, enhance it and convince us.
Honestly, I do not share almost anything of what you have written.
Microsoft Defender is not a good antivirus, even if with a careful use of the PC it can be enough. I can confirm this from the moment in the company, a ransomware-type attack completely destroyed an employee's day-long work on a Windows machine running Windows Defender, while the same virus was blocked by machines with both free and paid antivirus. Exactly the opposite of what happened to you, you cannot base an information page that can reach many people on your own experience alone. The multitude of windows opened with blackmail will always remain clear in my mind, and the Defender page that says: “ALL RIGHT”.
The conflict of interest story makes no sense: the primary purpose of any business is to make money, otherwise you would only have non-profit organizations. It would be like saying that the company that builds or sells you the alarm does it only to make money and not because it cares about its safety…
AdBlock question: these tools are only useful on sites “shady” (not to mention illegal) and that it would often be better not to visit, in all other cases it is precisely that annoying advertisement that allows us to enjoy quality content on the internet.
According to Treccani “Essential” it means (even) “substantial”, “essential” and therefore perfectly reflects the English meaning of “Essentials” you refer to.
When you talk about the fact that linux is little used, please specify to refer to the desktop area, because on most internet servers and Android smartphones (that is practically everything that is not iPhone) linux is used.
In addition, when you say that open source is inherently less secure, you're basically saying a lie: not that there are viruses for GNU / Linux systems and appear it is clear, but the fact that something's code is open means both malicious hackers and experienced users looking for secure software can go looking for flaws., and that if the latter find them they can notify or correct them directly.
Thanks for your point of view. But I don't think that it is enough to assert something to automatically be right. Our arguments retain their validity even after reading your opinion carefully.
It is interesting to note that we are totally on the side of the free sharing of ideas and the non-profit, while there are people who are on the side of “make money”.
And it will also be interesting to see how many defend that point of view. Write your opinions below and let's see.
Sincerely, and maybe I expressed myself badly, I don't seem to have opposed Open Source and “make money”. Also because I am a great supporter of Open Source and the philosophy of Free Software, I have collaborated in several Open Source projects and I have written open code, I use machines with Windows and machines with different linux distributions.
I wasn't defending the antivirus manufacturers, I was simply pointing out that in my opinion there was no point in giving that reason to discredit third party antivirus software, as every company has to make money in order to continue to exist.
In all this, for example, your project is a thousand times more virtuous as, as mentioned by you, you are a non-profit, and I was genuinely sorry to be put on the side of “make money”. Also because for a living I get paid to design and program automation systems, and when I can I always try to take some’ of that philosophy of Free Software that to me (and to you) like it so much.
I also didn't come up with simple opinions to take literally, but I started by saying that I personally did not share certain points of view and then I presented my point of view by arguing.
In our experience, this is not an isolated case. I regularly use five or six Windows (2 PC, 3 Tablet and two notebooks) which are almost always on. And in the last decade, I've seen dozens and dozens of attacks without Defender ever letting one go through. So now I trust him al 100%.
I regularly consult Defender's reports, and so do all contributors to our system. I could show you thousands, but just to give an idea here is an image with some of the most recent attacks:
As you can see in the image I am not at all careful about what I download, and I download and try things every week! My Windows, for decades now, always saved me. Previously I also used commercial antivirus (Avira and Avast) and several times I had to reformat PCs.
Since there is Defender and other Microsoft antivirus, none of our collaborators have ever taken anything, and there are tens of thousands of people around the world who use our system. Many have phoned me and I have helped them uninstall Avast myself, MacAfee and companions. I've been doing this for decades and no one has ever complained about my advice.
If anything, the “isolated case” it could be yours “employee”. We're sure he had Defender active? That he didn't have Defender that had been flashing yellow for weeks without anyone noticing? That he hadn't blocked updates? Many do this with the intention of making the system more stable…
Unfortunately no, the colleague's system was up to date and “sure”, unfortunately it was a social engineering attack on e-mail and there was little to do. Combined with other cases I have seen I have come to the conclusion that Defender was not a good antivirus.
I know BUT’ it was as you say and Defender today is really a good antivirus, I would truly and sincerely be more than happy to reactivate it and uninstall my current third party antivirus. And I'm not joking.
My comment was primarily aimed at your argument: note that I have never defended third-party producers in my comment.
It is true that there are a lot of Linux in servers and other objects, like routers for example, but they are systems that are not tempting to robbers because their users are system engineers who are hardly fooled by phishing and who have efficient backups. Let's forget about Smartphones that are not Linux and not even OpenSource. There would be a lot of things to say about Android but we only deal with Windows.
I can't figure out if Linux means the kernel, Unix-like Operating Systems with Linux kernel or all Unix-like Operating Systems even without Linux kernel. In my comment I only asked to specify and I explained why it is approximate to say that by definition Linux (?) it is inherently less secure.
If we talk about Linux then Android uses an embedded version of the kernel and therefore what I said is correct. If we talk about Unix-like then obviously not. I never said that Android is Open Source so I don't understand why I specified otherwise.
It seems to me, and I say this with no intention of causing offense, whether he has taken personally what I have written or that he wants to extract other meanings from what I have written.
I've probably been a while’ abrupt, but there is nothing personal, I was just trying to explain my point of view.