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All applications of the system will have new icons, letters to distinguish them.
To see the text of the icons at the bottom bar of Windows, you must create links to applications, on the desktop.
The following applications have new icons:
HAL, ArduHAL, NetHAL, netmoduleprogramm ear slotview
Download them from here:
Soon it will also be ready IotModule and IotHAL, here are some advances:
I just learned about this website while watching a DIY light spectrometer and i thought it was really outstanding!!! I have built the spectrometer and have a couple webcams that i am using in the build. When all assembled i see wonderful spectra from the webcam feed into my computer but i am not able to get the spectra to display in the spectrometer software. I read that it may be due to the type of driver the camera uses. I have been looking around for a used camera but i dont want to buy something that isnt going to work. I am hoping you could suggest a webcamera that i could find in the US that is known to work with your software. I am assuming that if the camera is on and displaying a nice spectra to the computer i just start the spectroscopy program and it should find the video feed from the camera. I have entered the camera model, resolution, and frame rate into the theremino program. THis is such an impressive looking spectrometer i am really interested in getting it working!!! Thank you!
It should work with almost any USB webcam.
Is your webcam a normal USB webcam?
What happens after selecting the camera model, resolution, and frame rate into the theremino program?
Try with another webacam, almost any USB webcam should work.
If not you have another problem.
Try with another PC.
Try changing the webcam driver and selecting the “basic” microsoft driver.
Do non install the webcam driver from the CD (they are always bad drivers, the microsoft driver works always but the CD drivers sometimes have errors)
We published the Application Automation
========= ========== monstrous IMPROVEMENTS
Now it seems like a real programming language.
But it is simple to use as it has always been.
The version 5.1 It has a better management of FONT.
The version 5.2 It includes new fonts to be installed
and it has the further improved font management.
We have also updated Fast FTP, who now works without errors and quickly, Also on folders containing thousands of files.
We published the IOT HAL and firmware for IOT MODULE (ESP 32)
One can also connect the module Adc24.
The firmware also includes five examples for connecting the I2C sensors
Hello Livio, because of store-ino you can not find iotmodule. Could you tell me a way to search, on ebay or other sites, i moduli iot con ESP 32? I tried, but many come out with many differences and it remains difficult to identify the right one. Thank you
The best forms are the PICO KIT (with duck antenna wire, directly built by EspressIF and slightly faster because they have the memory “flash” the internal chip Esp32).
Not finding the PICO KIT can also fit the WROOM (look at pictures in the documentation). I have two WROOM Pin less, Pin a hand slightly’ more messy and slightly slower, but they are easier to find and cost less.
To find the PICO KIT just write “esp32 pico kit”, for example on eBay.
They are found in China in little over ten euros, shipping included, and usually they arrive in 15 or 30 days.
Or you are located in Europe, for twenty euros and come in two or three days.
I write to say congratulations for your incredible work with Theremino system.
We consider it a unique example of competent and talented people both your technical knowledge is the ability to make accessible and understandable to all fields of electronics and information technology complex.
I just activated two ESP32 modules using firmware,software and guidance that you published the last few days, and although models are slightly different from those recommended, and after a while’ search the web, they work perfectly.
However, in addition to thank you for your work and for your enthusiasm I made a donation.
Again congratulations
Angelo Pietropoli
Thank you!!!
The donations are used to purchase materials for the next projects.
ED: To make reading easier, We re-paginated your message that site automatism had completely messed, inserting many white lines.
Egr. SIG. Livio,
If possible, I would like to know where I can buy a tube photomultiplier Hamamatsu Full Crystal and electronics R6095 and ready to use with BNC.
I already have the Vs. Kit, since you have given me, but I wanted to complete the probe shaft recommended by you pantries.
Until now I had arranged with a (old) gamma probe.
Kind regards
Stefano Cunego
Here the tubes at a good price:
But here's the complete probe, ready with appropriate resistors to our system:
The pipe is cheap but the scintillator crystal and assembly are expensive. You must use a paste with equal to the glass refraction coefficient, mount the plinth with 12 resistors and a capacitor and then connect the BNC, possibly making take less possible light to the tube. And it should all be put into a calibrated cylinder, stainless, with the thin front wall. It must be a little’ amortized to avoid the pipe breakages… you get it right it takes quite a bit’ of time.
Try to make him an offer and maybe the price could come down a bit '.
Thank you for the prompt and comprehensive advice.
I will try to make a proposal to the American seller, I have no technical ability and time to embark on a building it yourself.
Dear and comprehensive as ever.
Thank you
Stefano Cunego
The latest versions of Windows do not work in Automation 7, because Windows 7 contains some fonts that cause errors.
All Windows 7 Aharoni have the font that causes an error, but there are also other fonts that produce errors, and they are not always the same. Soon we will publish the version 5.3 jumping all fonts that create problems.
Just we publish the version 5.3 We publish a new message on this page.
download the 5.3 when it becomes available because, over the adjusted Font, It contains many other improvements.
Anyone wishing to work immediately 5.2 Windows 7, can go “C Windows Fonts” and uninstall fonts that give error. They should be five or six at the most, and do not feel the lack, because they do not work well.
We have published the version 5.3 Automation that corrects the error of fonts on Windows 7 and it includes other improvements.
You can also read text file into a string variable, and then easily extract the lines and fields, string and numeric variables.
We have published the version 144 the firmware of IotModule
With this version the SofTap works with all WiFi devices 2.4 GHz, nei Modi B / G / N, both 20MHz and with 40 Mhz band.
We finally published the application SlotsOverNet
We have published the version 5.4 Automation with many improvements
Automation was born to write some control line, but we have improved so much that it has become a real programming language, also be used for rather demanding applications.
However Automation is a simple language, also be used by those who have no experience in programming.
Its special features include:
– Tips and colors that highlight errors as you type.
– All variables are global and keywords are only a few dozen.
– You write everything into a single file and do not use difficult to understand concepts (such as threads or objects).
We have published the version 2.0 of the Terminal
And’ more reliable and considerably more efficient. The CPU load is reduced by more than ten times that now you can decode tens of thousands of variables per second even on slower computers.
We have published the version 2.0 del SignalScope
The number of channels has increased from 2 to 4, added new commands and improved the operation and efficiency of acquisition, read the new features on this page:
We added a small utility to enhance the colors of Arduino IDE
Without this fix the colors of the bottom of the IDE Arduino, is an absurd dark red on black. With those colors the text is virtually unreadable.
We published the new application SlotToSpeech 1.2
We published the new application Theremino_StartALL V1.0
We published the new version 1.3 of MusicKeys, with buttons 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, which correspond to the slot from the twentieth.
We have published a new guide for Geiger tubes, which also contains a lot of information on radioactivity, on this page:
The guide, truly complete, It was prepared by Massimiliano De Luigi and Salvatore Giarratana, You will find their references in pdf file.
For those who want to download it right away, here is the direct link:
Hello Livio,
courtesy, I recently purchased from store-ino geophones, unfortunately they communicate to me that because of the provisions on health ordinary expeditions will suffer significant delays, I recommend to use DHL, telling me to prepare the withdrawal from Italy. Putrtoppo private I have this opportunity as the same courier explanations. Tips ?! Thank you
We Theremino the system does not sell anything, We explain just how do, so for the details you will need to speak with the Chinese that produce and ship.
However I think they intended to ship them with DHL (think of everything they), and they were asked only to confirm, given that cost more.
Hello guys and good job… big question!!!!
example : iot if I install windows on a raspberry……I can run visual studio programs ( for example, cnc, balance or other programs) with connected master?
Not being an expert in programming I asked myself this question , because if it were possible you would see beautiful possibilitànel create form plc programs with master power.
Thanks and Salutoni
The Raspberry does not have a suitable processor and also is very slow.
There are StickPC and other small PCs with Windows 10 that cost little more than a Raspberry (Whereas a Raspberry has nothing and you have to buy him all apart).
With Raspberry it seems to spend little but then you realize that you can not do anything but add pieces until easily spend more than one hundred Euro. And in the end you have a cluster of uncomfortable wires.
If you take (for example,) one Z85 have everything, feeder, sound card, fast processor, WiFi, Bluetooth, etc… and all in a solid container comfortable to use, without the tangle of wires that will soon become the Raspberry. And also you have a quad-core processor infinitely faster than the Raspberry.
thanks and good job
We have updated the application IotHAL Version 1.3
and firmware version 182
The most important are the Stepper motors.
The other main changes are in the following documentation pages:
Resistors for PWM (page 16 and 30)
Pulldown for stepper (once 17)
Warnings for VPN as docs SlosOverNet (once 66)
Automatic reconnection (once 13)
Debuggare con Generic Write (once 43)
Allocation PWM / Stepper / Servant (once. 27)
SSID and Password list (once. 59)
We released a new interesting project:
We have updated programmer software to version PicKit2 3.3
We have updated to version SignalScope 2.3
We published the ServoPID form:
We have updated to version AudioInput 2.6 with a significant improvement in measurement stability of the audio level:
We published HAL 8.5 with small improvements:
We published SlotViewer 3.6 with some enhancements:
We have updated to version WaveGenerator 2.0:
We have updated the application ArduHAL (improved icon):
We have updated the application NetHAL (improved icon):
We have published the version 1.6 of CustomControls with small improvements
We updated version ThereminoWiFi 1.1 (eliminated for channel error < 0) https://www.theremino.com/downloads/automation#wifi
We finally released version 6 in Automation:
Download it and replace previous versions because it contains considerable improvements.
We have published the version 6.1 Automation of correcting an error on the Font size.
Download it and read all the news in the documentation!!!
Versions 6.0 onwards are significantly improved compared to previous.
We have published the version 6.2 Automation that corrects some minor errors on the font size and controls.
Download it and read all the news in the documentation!!!
Versions 6.0 onwards are significantly improved compared to previous!!!
We have published the version 6.3 Automation with significant improvements.
Among the most important improvements:
– You can check the values during execution (see Help on page 5)
- New behaviors of FOR and EXIT (see the Help page 17, 18 and 19)
- New Left functions(String, n) e Right(String, n)
- New "Message" function with request for YES or NO (pages 45 and 46 dell’Help)
- Also accept numbers with exponential notation (examples on the page 42 dell’Help)
Download it and read all the news in the documentation!!!
Versions 6.0 onwards are significantly improved compared to previous!!!
We have published an application that extracts data, automatically updated every day, from the databases relating to the Covid pandemic19:
We have updated the Covid19 application with the percentage of deaths out of the total cases:
We have updated the Covid19 application with useful graphs to compare the nations of the world and the Italian provinces in various aspects:
We have completed the Covid19 application, readability has improved and comparative graphs can go back in time to where there is data (until January for the nations of the world).
This version 1.3 should be final: