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  1. etc says:

    Questa è la pagina delle novità per cui il commento sul Flicker Meter è stato mosso qui:
    This is the news page, so the Flicker Meter comment has been moved here:

  2. Livio says:

    We have updated several applications but are on the previous page.
    To see the previous page press “Older comments”.

    Summary of recent updates:

    Now the DAA is really complete, download it from here:

    The Arduino library has improved and instructions for installing it are more complete.

    Adding an image with the connections between "DustSensor" and the sensor SHARP.

    We have improved the Media Player application:

    Improved SlotViewer application:

    Posted on file "Theremino_NetModule_FirewallProblems" on the page of NetHAL:

    Updated SignalScope V 1.9

  3. Livio says:

    We have updated their application to version EmotionMeter 3.0

    Now is a very complete application.
    You get great performance with hardware that is easy to build.

  4. Livio says:

    Great improvements in all HAL !!!

    – We've corrected dozens of small faults.
    – The list is updated faster, and stops flashing, even if it is very long.
    – The list is more readable (Deletes the column “Dir”)
    – The oscilloscope is improved.
    – The changes to the numerical values now are faster, using PageUp and PageDown
    – You can also use the arrows by combining them with the SHIFT, CTRL and ALT

    Download the new HAL 8.0, ArduHAL 2.0 and NetHAL 2.0, with the links below.

  5. Livio says:

    Automation is greatly improved!

    There are also the Breakpoint, The Watches, the step-by-step operation, the instructions to go to full screen and Select-Homes. And there is finally also the documentation, read it to find out all the news.

  6. Livio says:

    We have published the version 1.6 the library for Arduino:

    In earlier versions the pins are set up as UNUSED were set as INPUT and this prevented to use them as OUTPUT to the loop of the Arduino.

  7. Livio says:

    We finally found and fixed the defect, that slowed down and did move jerkily, Theremino CNC controlled machines.

    We will include this fix in version 5.0 I will post in a few days.

    With this fix, the movement, especially for large circles, It will be much more fluid. Also the running time will shrink a lot and will be similar to that calculated.

    If someone wants to try the fix, email us or call, and we will send out a test version 4.9 x.

    • Carmine Pagnotti says:

      A long long time ago I tried to run my CNC with CNC Theremino ,and I noticed that the movements were not fluid and it is especially feces present, but I was told that the problem was definitely on my mechanics.
      Today I read that you made corrections in this regard and therefore I would like to try again.
      What to do, redownload CNC Theremino or you still have to change?
      Thank you

      • Livio says:

        Just download and ThereminoCNC ThereminoHAL (who are both in the CNC download ZIP) and use them instead of the previous.

        If you had already apply the HAL application configurations and CNC (i INI file) you store the files you used previously instead of the new ones that are in the ZIP.

        – – – – –

        However, if the movements were not fluid will probably not even now. To successfully operate our applications you should carefully adjust the values ​​MaxSpeed, MaxAcc and StepPerMM application in HAL.

        These values ​​must also be coordinated with the microstepping driver (that to have fluid movements should be as high as possible, with only the maximum speed limit reached).

        Finally – important – CNC application in the maximum speed (both in the application that in GCode) It must never exceed the maximum speed that has been set to the HAL for the slower axis.

        Other CNC systems do not require all the attention (make corrections in secret) but the principle of Theremino system has to be very simple. In return you have to adjust all accurately, otherwise perform poorly, or disaster.

  8. Luke says:

    Hi I'm implementing some simple sensors on a robot to count the number of pieces produced.
    I am writing statements with Automation. My questions are :

    1) If I wanted to insert the operator code in process?
    2)If I wanted to point out in addition to the number of pieces the real cycle time to calculate in Real time the returns?
    3)If you want to create dashboards?
    4) If you wanted to store and save all of these values above( even the part numbers for examples) over time?
    5)Button or other programs may help me?
    Thank you very much

    Thank you

    • Livio says:

      And’ a project too complex for Automation.

      The points 1 and 2 would be easy to implement.
      I'm not sure how you mean the dashboards, but I think not.
      And even store files etc..

      For such a project have to use VbNet, from our example (one simple, Maybe “EmptyApp”) and add all your functions.

      And it's not easy.

      Maybe you could use Theremino Script, but I don't recommend because as soon as the project he complicated a little’ He would become insufficient (does everything in a single file).

      Maybe you could use VBA (Visual Basic For Applications), that is in EXCEL and WORD and is a bit’ easier to use than DotNet, but not so.


      My advice is to use VbNet, It's the easiest to use and has an unlimited power.

      The development environment (Visual Studio 2008) is free. Go see our pages that talk about it and learn how to never recommend him instead of the latest (and heavy) Visual Studio Community.


  9. Livio says:

    We improved the application SlotsToMidi, with a new operating mode specialized for capacitive buttons.

  10. Livio says:

    Who built the ion Chamber should replace the two capacitors from 1 uF, high voltage power supply, with SMD ceramic capacitors from 10 uF. And it would also be good to add an electrolytic 220 UF on 5 volts.

    The long explanation is here:

  11. Livio says:

    Finalmente il sito Theremino è completamente SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), una tecnologia che garantisce la sicurezza di una connessione a Internet e protegge i dati sensibili scambiati fra due sistemi.

    Il sito era sicuro anche prima, ma alcuni link puntavano a siti che non lo erano, per cui i browser davano messaggi poco rassicuranti. Ora abbiamo completato l’operazione di pulizia e i browser contrassegnano il sito con il colore verde e con la scritta “Sicuro”.

    Inoltre se si accede al sito senza lo https iniziale, questo viene aggiunto automaticamente. Così si usufruisce sempre di un collegamento sicuro.

  12. Gisela Sahu says:

    Device for the measurement of emotions

    Dear team,
    build well above devices? If Yes, so I am looking forward to more information.
    If no, which companies do you recommend me to ask?

    Yours sincerely
    Gisela Schmidt

    • Livio says:

      Excuse me, We build or sell anything. All of our projects must be “do-it-yourself” be built. But the emotion meter device is really easy to build. Any electronics Hobista can help you, make it work. Are looking for one of your parts and leave them this page carefully read:

      I'm sorry, non costruiamo e vendiamo non niente. Tutti i nostri progetti devono essere costruiti “DIY”. Però il dispositivo emotion meter of performance è facile da costruire. Hobista Qualunque di elettronica potrà aiutarti a farlo funzionare. Find one in your part and let him read this page:

  13. Livio says:

    NEWS’ BY AUGUST 2018

    There is a new site that sells components of our system, explanations here:

    Lello prepared containers for Master and GeigerAdapter:

    There is a new adapter that allows switching between commercial lasers:

    There are two new sections on commercial and Relays on the control of motors and heavy loads:

  14. Livio says:


    We finally posted Theremino CNC, version 5.0, with major improvements, including an improved fluidity of movement and reduced machining time (in some cases of 50%):

    The application Automation version 4.2 is published. This version fixes a small mistake, that prevented the command KEY and BUTTON operation, with multiple spaces or tabs.

    We upgraded SlotViewer to version 3.2, with a slight enhancement of error messages.

    We have updated their application to version Dolfrang 5.4, adding the German language. In addition, this release contains l & #8217; HAL version 8.1 with multiple languages, including the Portuguese.

    The page on STEPPER Motors has improved and we've added instructions for drivers TB6600

    There are two new open-collector adapters:

    There is a new very interesting sensor to measure the high-side current

    HAL – Version 8.2
    Fixed "Backup Configuration" commands that were not working properly.
    Improved commands that you send in the "Slot", and the answers that you can get.
    Now applications can learn the number of masters that have been recognized
    and also to know if one of them stops working.
    For more information read the pages 5 and 6 HELP file updated (Italian and English).

    ArduHAL – Version 2.1
    Fixed "Backup Configuration" commands that were not working properly.
    Improved commands that you send in the "Slot", and the answers that you can get.
    Now applications can learn the number of forms that have been recognized
    and also to know if one of them stops working.
    For more information read the pages 14 and 15 HELP file updated (Italian and English).

    NetHAL – Version 2.1
    Fixed "Backup Configuration" commands that were not working properly.
    Improved commands that you send in the "Slot", and the answers that you can get.
    Now applications can learn the number of forms that have been recognized
    and also to know if one of them stops working.
    For more information read the pages 10 and 11 HELP file updated (Italian and English).

    10 September 2018
    Republished all HAL and their documentation.
    There was a slight error in the examples with numbers 330 and 660 in place of 333 and 666.

    11 September 2018
    We have updated the documentation files of the application Theremino SDR
    We solved some difficult cases on installing drivers with ZADIG.

  15. Livio says:

    NEW 'IN OCTOBER 2018

    We added some documentation’ strana, an intercom radio:

    The news page is renewed:

  16. Livio says:

    NEW 'NOVEMBER 2018

    We published the new ArduHAL (version 2.2), the corresponding library for Arduino (version 1.7) and updated documentation files. Now you can also transfer type numbers “Float” that, in some cases, greatly simplify the communication between Arduino and applications on your PC.

    We published the new PowerMeter application that focuses the best techniques to measure the consumption of devices connected to the mains and the power generated by solar panels. The simple measurement circuits that we propose, They are adaptable to different full-scale, from a few volts to thousands of volts, and from a few amperes to thousands of amperes.

  17. Livio says:


    We published Theremino_Automation 4.3 with some minor improvements:

    We published Theremino_CNC V5.2 with some improvements:

    Instructions for measuring the temperature with LM35 have improved. Now you can also read negative temperatures and there are two new diagrams that explain how to connect the sensors with long cables.

    There is a new section that explains how to use the "command slot", with an example of automatic reconnection of Master.

  18. Anonymous says:

    I can not find your number, Call me at 0125 57290

  19. Livio says:

    NEW 'IN JANUARY 2019

    We added to Theremino Spectrometer (V 2.7) the ability to write data to a file:

    We published the new version 3.1 DAA with small improvements:

    We published the adapter version for piezo disks to be mounted on a thousand-holes breadboard.

  20. Livio says:

    There was a mistake (“A” and “C” exchanged) in the table of microstep stepper motors, of this page:

  21. matthew says:

    hi team

    just wondering of you have a subscribe or
    email list for those that wont to stay up to date

    • Livio says:

      In this page we publish all the news.
      To stay up to date just read the latest posts on this page.
      Furthermore, in all the pages, at the top right, there is a list with links to the most recent messages.

      On this page we publish all the news.
      To stay up to date enough to read the last posts of this page.
      In addition to all pages, at the top right, there is a list with links to the latest postings.

  22. Livio says:

    We improved the setting of the spectrometer calibration points. Now when you adjust one of the two points with the mouse, the other point remains stably nanometers to which it was set.

    This month we will publish enhancements to a dozen applications, and many interesting news.


    We have published the version 4.0 DAA:

    The version 4.0 It contains many improvements, read the documentation.

  23. Livio says:

    There is a new application!

    Application very useful to locate the WiFi channel more free from disturbances. View channels and the data of all the neighboring networks and the strength of signals over time. It also serves to adjust the antenna in the best location.


    And do not miss the version 4.0 DAA!!!

  24. Livio says:

    The Emotion Meter application now has the input device box that indicates whether it is a USB device

    Even the following four applications now show whether the devices are connected to USB:
    AudioInput V2.5
    AudioGenerator V1.5
    AudioExamples V2.7
    AudioAnalyzer V1.1

    We also released a new audio application:
    You can use it to record, but basically is a collection of examples. The application demonstrates some difficult operations, including recording in WAV format file and how to convert them to MP3 format.

    We published the WaveGenerator V1.9 with some improvements
    (Start / Stop button and USB devices in the list)

    We published CustomControls V1.5 with some small improvements

    We published the new application SystemMetrics V1.0

  25. Livio says:

    Imposing improvements to SeriHAL, at SlotViewer and especially to Terminal!!!

    The writer firmware MUST read the news of the terminal Version 1.2.

  26. Livio says:

    We have updated to version Theremin 6.7
    – Now it contains the latest version of HAL
    – It has a new button to calibrate CapSensor
    – You can also connect a mechanical or capacitive button to calibrate CapSensor

  27. Livio says:

    We've updated the oscilloscope DAA to version 4.1

    Now you can even set a voltage level that stops the sampling (in what is called classic oscilloscopes “Single shot”).

  28. Livio says:

    We solved a small but annoying flaw, in some cases, prevented him from recognizing the Arduino modules.

    Download the library for Arduino - Version 1.8 - and replaced the previous one, as explained on this page:

  29. Livio says:

    We added a small adapter for use when attaching buttons, with long wires, close to other wiring routes by high currents and voltages.

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