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We finally have a true data logger (small but very flexible)
Hi Livio,
I could not find any download link. Can you please publish the software?
Many thanks
The download links are always at the end of each project (in the green area).
Maybe use the english translated pages…
ah, sorry. I was a bit confused by the weather station displayed. Thought a new topic started already.
Best regards
No problem, this can help us to improve next articles.
Happy logging!
Adc24 documentation (in Italian) is complete:
Now we start the English version.
Hello Livio,
in ADC24 's Guide describes the filters supplements for accelerometers (parts 3 and 4 by “attach accelerometers”). My question is: You can also use capacitors from 1-10 UF electrolytic or they would lose incoming signal components?
The C2 can be an electrolyte (with the positive and negative ground).
Instead the C1 should not be electrolytic, not because you would lose signal components, but because you do not know which way to connect the positive.
Wanting to put the electrolytic C2 you would measure with meter from which side is positive and then you should keep the same accelerometer by tilting it down because its output voltage would change and the positive and negative will reverse themselves.
In any case they are better because ceramics less leakage current of capacitors. The leakage current can alter the voltage at the input of the Adc, and then you would read a value that differs from 500 (or zero if using the MinValue and MaxValue centered on zero). If the value differs too much from the half voltage then increasing the gain that offset is amplified and the Adc24 saturated and cuts the signal up or down.
The version 6.8 the HAL contains many useful improvements, including some significant improvements of the oscilloscope (see page 3 and page 30 of the instructions):
Many applications using the HAL, for example Theremino CNC and Theremino Dolfrang, may contain older versions of HAL. It is not difficult to replace HAL in applications that you are using, but you must be careful not to cover even their own configuration file.
For an upgrade to the latest version do so:
– Download the zip version of HAL
– Open the folder of your application to update
– Find the location of the file “Theremino_HAL.exe” with his chart “Docs”
– Replace the file “Theremino_HAL.exe” and the files contained in “Docs”with those of the ZIP
The files “Theremino_HAL_ConfigDatabase.txt” and “SlotNames.txt” not be replaced because they contain their own configurations.
The application Theremino Dolfrang (V 4.9) has been updated with the latest version of HAL (V 6.8).
Those who have downloaded over the past week can download it again and get the new scope and also the warning in the case of failure to set the slots, as explained on this page, just before the Green section in HAL's Download:
The novelties are also explained in the instructions of HAL, on pages “3” and “30”.
With the application Theremino WaveGenerator and a servo-motor you can build a vibration table for testing on Geophones and accelerometers:
You spend a few euros for the servant and a few hours of time to build it and you can adjust the amplitude and frequency of the oscillations. The frequency is very accurate because it generated by the software, not the rotation of a motor with eccentric mass.
Write to us if you need more explanation engineering@theremino.com
Hello Livio … I just finished assembling a new system to three Geophones with adc24… I have a little problem…. The value returned into hal on third geophone (PIN3) remains constantly on 1460….. Pretty much stuck. Others work perfectly. Could be faulty adc24? Geophones are working correctly and are setttati to differential pairs as described in the manual
Thank you
Maybe I solved… I had to turn all 16 channels like adc24 and place the three Geophones on staggered pin, namely the promo on pin1, the second on pin3 and the third on pin5…
It seems to work
If you set the inputs as Differential:
– The first geophone goes on pins 1 and 2 and its data arrives on Pin 1
– The first geophone goes on pins 3 and 4 and its data arrives on Pin 3
– The first geophone goes on pins 5 and 6 and its data arrives on Pin 5
Then you have to send the pins 1, 3 and 5 the slots to your liking,
probably slots 1, 2 and 3.
Ok….Nice as usual.
I saw that by default the inputs have a maximum 1600 and minimum -1600
Angelo Dolmetta says that with adc16 values are 1000 and 0
What do you think
Thanks again
The Dolfrang application runs indifferently well with 0 and 1000 or with – 1600 and +1600 Why does a leading zero.
Set min and max to -/+ 1600 can serve to have calibrated millivolt values and numbers centered on zero.
By setting 0 and 1000 We have standard values from thereminici 0 to 1000 with Center 500.
But in the end the results will always be the same.
Read at the top of this page the two chapters:
– Windows stops responding 10 After updating "Anniversary"
– Disable Windows updates 10
Small news:
The UavPilotLog application updates the personal Loogbook of UAV pilot.
It is a specific application to professional riders but is also an example and a starting point for similar applications.
We have published the version 6.9 the HAL with some fixes.
It would be good to replace this version 6.9 in all applications using the HAL, as explained in paragraph “Update your applications with the latest version of HAL”, immediately after Download.
We have published the version 4.4 Theremino CNC with many improvements.
It would be good to replace the previous.
Remember to not overwrite your configuration file, both the CNC of HAL. A surefire way to not lose anything you copy the folder ThereminoCNC root, who then will become “ThereminoCNC ... -Copy”, so it overwriting everything and then go get their configurations from folders of copy.
Conserve and restore personal configuration files are:
Good morning Livio,
I wanted to ask:
With your cnc application you can use more than 5 axes, or if in the future the implement strong.
I can only use the master V4 not updated to the latest firmware to use 5 axes?
Last thing you advise me to use two shield v3 for 4 axles or ramps 1.4?
Thank you
The maximum number of spindles for CNC Theremino will always be five, otherwise you should redo all calculation functions that now work in five-dimensional space. Then you should redo the UI, the documentation, images… a job beyond human possibilities… mess around… but still above our present and future possibilities.
But there is a real possibility of getting a functioning “indexed” other ACEs.
1) Connecting a second Master to other Steppers.
2) You run a piece of GCode which moves only the first five engines, issues a command on a slot and wait for some time.
3) With a simple program, Maybe in Theremino Automation, move the other engines to a new location.
4) Repeats from step two by following the GCode.
5) The whole thing can be repeated any number of times and the number of engines “indexed” may be even greater than five, by adding more Master.
The Master V4 and V3 are good too but must be programmed with firmware version from V4 onwards, or they cannot drive the Stepper Motors. To check just plug the USB and try to Master Theremino HAL (latest version) If the Pin 1 is configurable as “Stepper”.
To drive five axes you can use either the Ramps 1.4 or two Shield V3 4 axes, It depends on how you like most to see and fix the plates. Beware that some versions of Ramps do not switch the jumper connectors have microstep because under copper tracks that desiring. In that case you have to remove the black plastic connectors, cut the tracks with a sharp screwdriver or with the Dremel and re-insert the plastic.
What we thought about upgrading Anniversary of Windows 10 turned out to be an oversight.
The update works perfectly, install it with confidence!!!
Read more at the top of this page the two chapters:
– Windows stops responding 10 After updating "Anniversary"
– Disable Windows updates 10
The version 6.9 the HAL gave often mistakes changing Pin type, especially on Pin 7 that enables and disables the Adc24.
Other applications (such as Theremino Dolfrang and Theremino CNC) throwing the HAL themselves, are affected by this bug.
Check that you have the version 7 and if not, replace the ThereminoHAL.exe file with the new one.
We published an adapter to connect the Theremino ActiveAntenna also to ordinary shortwave receivers:
There is a new application that disables mouse and keyboard when the computer is idle for some time. Especially designed for those who have cats who go to sleep on the keyboard or birds that they scamper over.
We recommend that you use the latest version (Version 1.3) It contains some useful improvements.
An interesting Open Source robots and fully “DIY”:
Here's how to read correctly the encoders and counters
News (and a surprise for us that we know them for years), the pins 7, 8 and 9 Masters accept input signals from both 3.3 that from 5 Volts. In some cases, knowing it can be very helpful.
The new application Theremino_AdcTester has improved the design of tromino.
The documentation of the AdcTester contains interesting pages for geologists:
Even Adc24 's documentation is updated with specific pages on connecting and configuring the Geophones
Tomorrow we will also publish the new version of the application Theremino Dolfrang that definitively solves the problems of scale charts and number of decimal places in the output file.
Maybe a Theremino PmtAdapter will fly in a CubeSat next year.
There is a new application which will be very useful to those who do extreme automation. With the “Signal Scope” You can also locate the strangest events and evil spells, understand how they occurred and then solve them.
We have updated the HAL with the new version 7.1 that has improved the oscilloscope and also contains the new version (2.9) the Slot Viewer:
We have added a paragraph that shows various solutions to buy reasonably priced PCs and tablets:
The new class “accurate timer” improved by many orders of magnitude accuracy both in measuring signal in genearazione. Most applications benefit from this improvement are as follows, Download new versions:
We have published the version 2 dust sensor:
The previous version (It was only a preliminary) contained flaws. We apologize to those who had built and we invite you to modify it according to the new schema. It is a small change, that makes the circuit even easier, and the answer is considerably better.
We have updated the file “ULP_EAGLE_3D” on this page:
Now work well all trimmers, from TRIM-1 h up to TRIM_M3
There is a new brilliant application by Marco Russiani:
Thereminoshop is unreachable… Could you tell me where to buy the master already assembled, Thank you.
He only moved for a while:
From what they told me the Chinese server has problems and then moved to one in the U.S..
Or you can try on eBay:
Or write directly to Lello, that is the Italian who is dealing with:
There's a new chapter here:
Might be an interesting read for anyone who has a little’ time to spare.