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  1. Livio says:

    In the past few months we have released these new versions:

    Covid19 Version 2.2

    Added a note on the power supply of the UpConverter:

    Published Theremino_Geiger Version 6.7

    Theremino_Spectrometer Versione 3.0

    Theremino_MathHelper Version 3.6

    Theremino3D updated to the version 1.6 which now no longer prevents Windows from shutting down

    Theremino_Gamepad Version 1.4 – Now also with Force Feedbak (vibration)

    ImgToGcode V 2.0

    New ImgGreyscaleToGcode V application released 2.0

    MicroVideo 1.6 which makes the Zoom controlled by a Slot

    CustomControls V1.7 con ALT, SHIFT and CTRL that modify the variations on the TextBoxes

    Archive published “Theremino Know-How 2020”

    Published the Adapter-Voltage

  2. Livio says:

    We have published an important section on batteries.

    And we also discovered a method to improve ultrasonic distance sensors.
    Now they can also be used for applications that require good stability.

  3. Livio says:

    We have published the latest version of the ion chamber.

    This version is considerably better than the previous ones, more stable, more precise and also easier to build.

  4. Livio says:

    We have published the version 3.8 of the SlotViewer:

    We have published the version 3.4 del Logger:

    We have published the Covid19 application – Version 2.5

    We have published the SignalScope application – Version 2.6

    We have published the Terminal application – Version 2.1

    We have published the WaveGenerator application – Version 2.1

    We have published the MathHelper application – Version 3.7

    We have published the Theremino_WinHelper application – Version 1.0

    We have published the Theremino_Spectrometer application – Version 3.1

    June 2021
    We have updated:
    – The AudioAnalyzer V1.2 application (BaseFreq fino a 10 KHz)
    – The Theremino_3D V1.7 application (Faster startup and shutdown)
    – The WinHelper V1.1 application (New button “Power options”)
    – The Weather V0.8 application (Wind speed in knots and UV index)
    – The Applications page (updated with many links that were missing)

    Here are the links:

    We have published a chapter explaining how to do HRV analyzes (Heart Rate Variability)

    October 2021
    We have improved the SlotViewer

    We have added a note regarding the PWM frequency
    you can find it at the end of the chapter, just before downloading the firmware.

    There is a new page

  5. Livio says:

    We are preparing an interesting metal detector

    We have finally published the Sound Level Meter, go and see it!

    There are two new applications for creating and for decoding
    all kinds of QRcode (square labels) and BarCode (barcodes)

  6. Livio says:

    This is the news page and it is good not to fill it with specific topics.
    So all the messages with Cosimo Miccoli have been moved here:

  7. Livio says:

    Download it from this page:

  8. Livio says:

    We have published the version 7.2 in Automation

    This release contains several improvements, including:
    – The ability to simulate pressing mouse buttons
    – The detection of colors from the screen
    – Speech synthesis.

  9. Livio says:

    We have updated the IOT HAL documentation
    We have updated the IOT HAL documentation 191.

  10. Livio says:

    We have published the version 7.3 in Automation

    This release contains several improvements, including:
    – The ability to use simple sounds with frequency and duration (page 15)
    – Theremino_Automation_V7.3.
    – The ability to use simple sounds with frequency and duration.
    – The ability to use simple sounds with frequency and duration.
    – Theremino_Automation_V7.3() corrected (page 61)
    – Theremino_Automation_V7.3() (page 77)
    – Theremino_Automation_V7.3 (page 90)
    – Page 57 The ability to use simple sounds with frequency and duration (Read the news in the PDF documentation).

    The ability to use simple sounds with frequency and duration, The ability to use simple sounds with frequency and duration.

  11. Livio says:

    Easier for a camel to pass into the eye of a needle…
    than entering Italian schools.

    Here is the system theremino in Chinese schools !

  12. Juergen putzger says:

    Many thanks for the ion chamber building instructions. I built the ion chamber and used it during a lecture about radon with experiments at the events “Highlights of Physics 2022 in Regensburg, Bavaria”. If you like you can watch my lecture on youtube:

    I am proofing that radon emanates from Uranium minerals by sucking a few milliliters of air from a jar containing uranium minerals and injecting it into the ion chamber. This yields plenty of impulses that are registered with Theremino Geiger.

    I added a link to the building instructions at the end of my presentation so that anyone interested could build it as well.

    I am in concern however that building it according to the building instructions will not succeed. The high voltege converter did not oscillate before i changed C1 33pF to 3,3nF and R2 100k to 10k. This components connect collector of T2 to base of T1. The current through the orginal components is too low to switch T1 off.

    Could anyone confirm that there is a mistake in the schematics ?

    Best regards from Regensburg
    Juergen Putzger

    • Livio says:

      Dear Juergen,
      I designed that scheme and tried it for a long time. Also many copies have already been built and all have always worked well with the schematic components i.e. C1 = 100pF and R2 = 100K

      If it doesn’t work well it is probably due to one of the following causes:
      – T1 transistor which is not a BC846B (or similar with Beta of at least 300)
      – D1 which is not a 1N4148 but perhaps a 4001?
      – Long wire mounting (maybe you haven’t mounted it with SMD components on the PCB recommended by us?
      – Diodes from DZ1 to DZ5 which are not MMSZ5270 or similar but with very low loss and low capacitance.
      – D3, D4 and D5 different from RS1KL and therefore with too much parallel capacity
      – L1 with too much series resistance or with too much capacitance in parallel.
      – Supply voltage too low or 3.3 volt regulator defective
      – Some defective components.

      Furthermore, even in the SPICE simulations the circuit works perfectly with the values of 100pF and 100K

      Best regards

  13. Juergen Putzger says:

    Dear Livio,

    thanks for your suggestions. I checked everything. The voltage convertor was built on a printed SMD PCB of your layout. It is version 5 with a single 10V Z-Diode and voltage divider. I used a BC 807 for T1 which has the same current amplification of 200 as the BC 846B. The rectifiers are also RS1KL . The only difference is the coil. I could not obtain the same coil. Its resistance is probably a bit high at 15 Ohms. The coil seems to be critical in that circuit. Maybe the ferrite characteristics and coil capacitance matter even when the inductance is correct.

    Overall I have to say that the PCB is hard to solder because it is smaller than necessary. Some parts are also hard to obtain. They sometimes are a bit “exotic”. One has to order from multiple different distributors. For example the FET in the pulse amplifier is no longer available. I simply used an old BF245 with leads that I soldered directly to the amplifier board.

    The Ion chamber is working satisfying now. I want to put it online on opensensemap,org if air humdity does not spoil the operation. I already have a geiger counter online and gamma dose rate rises during each rainfall because radon decay products are washed from the air.

    Best regards

  14. Livio says:

    We published Blockly (Open Source di Google), a great job dedicated to children, and the VoiceCommands application to control Blockly functions, and also of the other applications of our system.

    Our version of Blockly can access all the resources of our system.

    With VoiceCommands you can use voice commands, such as Alexa or Google Home, but even better.

  15. Livio says:

    We published OpenAI

    To know what it is, read this page:

    And this is the link to download the application:

  16. Livio says:

    The version 1.1 of Theremino_OpenAI gave an error accessing the INI file.

    Download 1.2 which solves this problem.

  17. Maurizio says:

    Hello Livio.

    I followed the instructions, and the program worked right away.
    The answers are interesting, and I must say that the approach is very reminiscent of that of HAL in '2001: A Space Odyssey'.
    After a while’ has stopped working, reporting 'Remote Server Error: (401) Unauthorized'.
    OpenAIkey is correct.
    I saw that the service is paid, and registration offers a credit of 18 Dollars to do the tests. It may be that this credit also has a maximum number of daily applications, and I have overcome them?


    • Livio says:

      No, there should be no limits, I used it a lot and it never happened to me.
      Are you sure the key is still in its box?
      You made the key and only you have it, or you are using it in common with others?
      Eventually go to the OpenAI site and make another key.

      You know that when you switch from one topic to another you have to empty the chat? (the upper window)
      Maintain a “context” in the upper window it is useful but if they exceed the 4000 token (which are about 10 or 15 thousand characters) then errors occur.

      And besides,, Although two cents for every thousand tokens are few, it is better to avoid sending thousands of characters if you do not need them.

  18. Maurizio says:

    I didn't know I had to empty the chat, but this did not resolve the issue.
    The key I use only.
    I tried to generate another one, but it does not solve the situation
    I noticed that the key window in the program remains blank, and the key is visible only by hovering over it with the mouse. And’ normal?
    I repacked the program re-entered the key, and it works.
    I tried again with the first program and it didn't work.
    I think it was because they don't see the key, By mistake I pasted the second key at the end of the first. Deleting the key by repasting it works,

  19. Livio says:

    The key is “Hidden” because some users wanted to make images of the application without worrying about deleting the key.

    To avoid these mistakes just be careful when pasting the key that the window is blank.
    I will experiment with different and more obvious characters to “hide” The key.

  20. Livio says:

    We have published OpenAI version 1.3

    To know what it is, read this page:

    And this is the link to download the application:

    The version 1.3 has some small improvements including fonts for the most visible OpenAI-KEY and some additional keywords. Use long keywords to reduce false recognition, or shorter ones to facilitate keyword recognition if the microphone is not of quality or if it is far away.

  21. Livio says:

    We have published OpenAI version 1.4

    To know what it is, read this page:

    And this is the link to download the application:

  22. Maurizio says:

    Hello Livio.

    Today I keep getting the message 'Robot: Error: Remote server error: (429) Too Many Requests.’

    I read that there is a maximum number of hourly requests, after which the remote server sends this message.
    But in the first tests two days ago I really asked many questions in a row, And that didn't happen..
    And’ changed something in the openAI server?

  23. Livio says:

    It does not depend on the questions you ask but on the millions of users accessing the same server.
    Probably the server we access is at the limit, We hope they will add more as soon as possible.
    When it happens to you repeat the question and usually the second time suits you.

    You can also ask OpenAI for these things., Here's an example:

    Human: All access with OpenAI APIs takes place on the same server?
    Or some areas of the world are served by one server and others by another?
    And if they are more than one server, how many are approximately?
    I ask this because in the last few days in Italy you often receive the error (429) Too Many Requests. and calling instead from China this error seems less frequent.

    Robot: OpenAI offers a globally distributed API. There are many servers serving OpenAI APIs around the world. We can't say precisely how many servers there are, But it seems that there are more than a dozen. There are also servers located in Asia, Europe and America. This means that if an error occurs (429) Too Many Requests in Italy, you can try to make the same request from Asia to see if there are different results.

  24. Livio says:

    We published Theremino GPT version 2.0

    To know what it is, read this page:

    And this is the link to download the application:

  25. Livio says:

    Dear Gordon
    This conversation is moved in the Robotics page.
    Please write in that page for the CNC related messages:

  26. Livio says:

    In recent days Windows speech recognition 10 and 11 has stopped working,
    the microsoft server accepts the incoming voice but the decoded text does not respond.

    It does not depend on our application or the type of PC
    you can verify it by proving that the same defect occurs
    with the microphone of the “On-screen keyboard” operating system.

    We have already written to Microsoft but it does not respond,
    if they do not fix it we will use a workaround,
    probably OpenAI's whisper that works even better.

    We are sorry but for now you will have to use Theremino GPT writing with the keyboard.

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