
With iMakerbase theremino enters schools

iMakerbase School Childs iMakerbase School Childs

With the system theremino you can build complex systems even without knowing the programming languages. And you can also connect ideas with reality by means of simple input output devices for PCs. These features facilitate teaching and help makers develop their ideas.

Watch these videos: Students 1 Students 2

Theremino Kits for schools

iMakerbase Kits iMakerbase Kits

The iMakerbase association has prepared a component kits and explains how to use them with simple programs and video-lessons that facilitate teaching in schools.

In these videos you can see the iMakerbase operators preparing a simple program to be used for teaching: ThereminoKits 1 ThereminoKits 2

The iMakerbase association

ImakerBase Banner LittleiMakerbase is an international maker-space that facilitates hardware design and entrepreneurial training.

iMakerbase provides free services and also provides makers with an office to work in, without paying a rent for the premises. In addition, iMakerbase helps makers to identify development strategies for their ideas and obtain funding from universities and the government.

Imakerbase Center Imakerbase Center

Imakerbase Center

The workshops and school lessons teach how to use the Theremino system in applications for scientific research and also for building Collaborative Robots and test equipment for industrial production.

To learn more about iMakerbase, watch these videos:
iMakerbase Video 1 iMakerbase Video 2

You can also visit the site and read some documents:
Agreement_2022 Prize_2022

These images and videos show the iMakerbase headquarters in Wuxi, China, but there are also other locations in Shenzhen and Zibo (China), and Seoul (Korea).


Theremino WorkshopsImakerBase Banner

Our collaborator Leonardo, living in Shenzhen, China, presents the theremino system with workshops and Power Point presentations.

You can freely use these publications for teaching purposes and you can also translate and modify them as you wish.

Here are some publications in PDF format:
Cycle workshop Workshop Day 1 Robot arm SCARA

And these are the Power Point files to use for presentations and any translations into other languages:

International Makers 2023


Here on the left you can see the presentation of the “International Makers 2023”

This file is a recent presentation (2023) on the applications of our robotics system.

And this is a documentary about life in Shenzen, made by Leonardo for Chinese television.
YouTube video about life in Shenzen

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