Installation on Linux 
Theremino system applications work on Windows 32 bit, Windows 64 bit, Linux and Mac OSX so download them from the download pages “Foundations”, “Multimedia” and “Uncategorized”.
Applications that do not access the USB can be performed with Wine, those who access the USB should be performed with Mono.
This page lists the installation mode and libraries for Linux systems in both the binary version that source code.
Make sure that Directory names and application Subdirectory of the system Theremino not have spaces, dashes or special characters. Could cause malfunctions in Linux.
To run under Linux, Theremino system applications they need in the same folder where the executable program is also the CustomControls.dll library .
Download it from the page and copy it beside the. exe file you wish to perform.
Attention: the HAL, from version 5 onwards, may not work, on Linux and on MAC. The last known good version, is the 4.6 (both VbNet that CSharp):
On our site are also stored versions of all applications. For earlier HALs, just change the version numbers, in 4.0/4.1/4.2/4.3/4.4/4.5/4.6/5.0/5.1
Attention: There are new important initiatives for Linux, Android, Raspberry PI and Mac OSX, read here:
Attention: This information is partly outdated. Small PC with Windows, they are always cheaper. On PCs and Tablet with Windows, all our applications work, with the 100% of efficiency, and they work for (you do not need to perform lengthy and complicated installations).
Run with Wine
The programs of the system Theremino can run with Wine.
This is the procedure to install Wine on Ubuntu.
Open the Terminal and type the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:Ubuntu-wine/ppa
sudo apt-get update
If you are using Ubuntu 10.10 install Wine 1.3. x :
sudo apt-get install wine 1.3
If you are using a newer Ubuntu install Wine x 1.5. :
sudo apt-get install wine 1.5
Always remaining in the Terminal install WineTricks script :
chmod + x winetricks
Install the Microsoft Core Fonts:
sh corefonts
When running the installer of ttf-mscorefonts, wish to continue the installation by using the TAB keys, to confirm ENTER, “Ok”, “Yes” .
Install Microsoft NET starting sequentially from older versions and trying to update to the latest versions:
sh winetricks dotnet20
sh winetricks dotnet20SP2
sh winetricks dotnet30 and
Install the libraries GDI+ :
sh winetricks gdiplus
Only in the event of having to run older applications in VB6: Install the Microsoft run-time VisualBasic6 doing right click, run with Wine, the executable here indicated:
(Thremino system applications aren't written in Visual Basic 6 and so do not need this installation)
Install a version of Adobe Acrobat Reader that is compatible with your operating system emulated by Wine, for example, with Wine the following Setup:
Now you can run your applications Theremino with Wine by going for example Computer audio/video subsystem.
Running Theremino_MCA with Wine in Linux Ubuntu
The Slots
In this file all the Software to manage the Slots in Linux.
Theremino_Slots_Linux_V 1.0
First, the library must be installed into the Directory “/usr/lib” by running the command File “”. This Shell Script copies the library and puts its readable and executable by any user. On some Linux systems may now need a Reboot.
Run the Test program Theremino_Slots_C_Linux flinging command File this application writes a value into the Slot 0, the re-reads the Slot itself and multiplies it by 1000, then he rewrites the Slot 1. If everything works, the reading of the Slot 1 Returns the value multiplied.
Testing Theremino Slots
OSC communication over UDP
In this file all Software to manage communication Open Sound Control in Linux.
Theremino_OSC_UDP_Linux_V 1.0
First, Download the Theremino_OSC from the page “Foundations” Copy the command File “” in the Directory containing the program “Theremino_OSC.exe”
Install the application by downloading it from the Web page PureData
by choosing the version for your version of Linux running.
Using a Firewall (in Ubuntu Linux, you can install the package “Gufw” using the Packet Manager) , You must enable UDP ports choices (7400 and 7401) both read and write local PC.
Install using the Packet Manager Mono virtual machine packages:
libmono-system-runtime 1.0-cil
libmono-system-runtime 2.0-cil
libmono-corlib 1.0-cil
libmono-corlib 2.0-cil
libmono-posix 1.0-cil
libmono-posix 2.0-cil
libmono-microsoft 7.0-cil
libmono-microsoft 8.0-cil
libmono-winforms 1.0-cil
libmono-winforms 2.0-cil
libmono-uia-winforms 1.0-cil
libmono-windowsbase-cil 3.0
libmono-microsoft-visualbasic 8.0-cil
Run the command File “” that should launch the Assembly “Theremino_OSC.exe”. If the program does not start, You can parse the File “command.log” to find the reason of malfunction, for example, a missing library.
Launch the application PureData and open the File “theremino_osc_puredata. pd”. After pressing the message “connect” It should be possible to, using OSC messages UDP, dialogue with the program “Theremino_OSC.exe”
Communication with Open Sound Control messages
The HAL program on Linux.
In this file all the Software to manage the USB HID devices in Linux.
Theremino_HID_Linux_V 1.0
First, install into the Directory “/usr/lib” by running the command File “”. This Shell Script copies the library and puts its readable and executable by any user.
If it is not already there, install using the Packet Manager library package “libusb-1.0”. Right now, the Directory “/usr/lib” should contain that library “” and also symbolic links that point to it: “” and “ o.o. or”. If you experience problems accessing HID devices, create these links by logging in as “root”.
Open a Terminal window and log in as “root” typing the command “sudo-i” and copy to the directory “/etc/udev/rules.” 41 files-theremino. rules
Perform a Reboot.
If you have not already done so, install using the Packet Manager virtual machine packages Mono-runtime.
Download the from the page “Foundations”. Copy the command File “” in the Directory containing the program “Theremino_HAL.exe”
Run the command File “” that should launch the Assembly “Theremino_HAL.exe”. If the program does not start, You can parse the File “command.log” to find the reason of malfunction, for example, a missing library.
Communication with the Master Theremino (HID device)
Here are all the software sources and all project files needed to run on Linux Theremino the system and to make any changes. This is a Workspace in Eclipse CDT.
Theremino_Eclipse_CDT_workspace_Linux_V 1.0
Be aware that in Linux FileSystem names reflect the uppercase or lowercase letters. Also how the Bytes in these operating systems may differ from Windows (Little Endian, Big Endian).
Use the Geiger Adapter with serial RS232
To easily connect the Geiger Adapter, the RS232 port with minimal hardware, see the adapter here: * rs232
There are several ways to read the data of Geiger Adapter through the serial port:
1) Use the ThereminoBridge and ThereminoGeiger applications with Mono.
2) Use applications ThereminoBridge and ThereminoGeiger with Wine.
3) Use a Python script.
Displaying CPM with the Python script “”
– – – – – –
Download Python scripts – version 2.1
ThereminoGeiger_Python_Version_ 2.1
We Want You !
Our software was developed on Windows, We know well. If you have experience of Android, Linux or Mac OSX could help us improve compatibility and complete porting all programs. Write to us!