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  1. ROBERTO says:

    Hello Livio, Always many compliments for the work you do.
    I downloaded the theremino phonometer as I would like to try to make some measurements at the acoustic level of a heat pump (Condensing unit outdoor unit) at various operating speeds. I can't find, If I'm right, Indications regarding microphone schematics/connections ECM8000 to the master in the downloaded resources.
    Could you give me some information on this??

    Thanks and good job.


  2. Livio says:

    Unfortunately, Theremino GPT no longer works, we will find a solution but in the meantime to make it work you have to make your own key at OpenAI as explained in the "Theremino_GPT_Help.pdf" file that you can download from here:

    What happened?
    Someone in the days since 7 December to date has used GPT4 in a way that “immoderate” And in just a few days, it used a million tokens, by bulk sending the API key associated with our account.

    Let's take this opportunity to explain to those who don't know yet that GPT4 is very expensive, as much as thirty times more expensive than GPT 3.5 turbo.

    In addition, GPT4 is slow to respond, so it should be used sparingly and only if necessary.


    In the coming days, we will release a new version of Theremino GPT, So be on the lookout for these messages on the news page.

    For now, as already written, if you want to use Theremino GPT you have to make your own key at OpenAI.

  3. Livio says:

    We've reset Theremino GPT to work.

    The version 4.7 Restore operation without having to make your own key (leaving the OpenAI-KEY box blank).

    As a reminder, our API-KEY only works with GPT-3.5-turbo.

    Let's take this opportunity to explain to those who don't know yet that GPT4 is very expensive, as much as thirty times more expensive than GPT 3.5 turbo. In addition, GPT4 is slow to respond, so it should be used sparingly and only if necessary.

    Download 4.7 from here:

  4. AlbertoR says:

    Hello Livio and all the developers of Theremino. I congratulate you on what you have done.

    I wanted to share the fact that I have successfully connected to a theremino Iot Module (TTGO7ver1.3) a very interesting I2C probe, at least for me. This is the Bosh probe with BME280 sensor, which is a pressure sensor, Temperature & Humidity. The specimen I bought (about ten euros) is branded mikroBUS.

    Obviously, I have modified the firmware so that it reads it correctly and I report the program below, Maybe it's useful as an additional example.

    I made the physical connection to the pins 21(SDA) and 22(SCL) which are the standard ones for ESP32 in I2C communications. I've seen that in the other examples you change them at will with the Wire library, I didn't succeed here and so I left them like this.

    In the IotHAL, the data pins are set to “Gen_in_float”.

    The power supply is 3.3V.

    Thank you again. Have a nice day.


    // ----------------------------------- Do not remove ---------
    #include "IotModule\IotModule.h"
    cIotModule IotModule;

    // -----------------------------------------------------------
    #include “Wire.h”
    #include “SPI.h”
    #include “Adafruit_Sensor.h”
    #include “Adafruit_BME280.h”

    #define SEALEVELPRESSURE_HPA (1013.25)

    Adafruit_BME280 bme; // I2C

    float pressure, mbar_pressure;

    // ========================================================================
    // SETUP
    // ========================================================================
    void setup()
    // ------------------------------------ Do not remove ---------
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    unsigned status;
    // default settings
    // collegare il modulo ai pin corretti (ttgo7ver1.3 SDA:pin 21 SCL:pin 22)
    status = bme.begin(0x76);
    if (!status)
    Serial.println("indirizzo sbagliato");

    // ========================================================================
    // LOOP
    // ========================================================================
    void loop()
    IotModule.genericWriteFloat(36, bme.readTemperature());
    pressure = bme.readPressure();
    mbar_pressure = pressure/100.0 ;
    IotModule.genericWriteFloat(39, mbar_pressure);
    IotModule.genericWriteFloat(35, bme.readHumidity());

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