The application HAL

HAL, the link with the outside world

Without the HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) communicate with sensors and actuators would be difficult. For each type of sensor you should write a piece of firmware (like you do with Arduino) and ind each new variation of sensors, You should rewrite the firmware.

It would also be very difficult, achieve performance, that can be reached with our firmware, and our HAL (We work from 3 years, ten hours a day, including holidays – make over ten thousand hours, MICA peanuts!)

We were asked “How come you have to use the HAL ?”

The HAL should be used if you need to access your hardware via USB. In theory it is not absolutely necessary, but We did not find a better system. For those wishing to try, Here's the information you need:

Why not expose mechanisms to guide the HAL from the outside?

How many functions you hang, would be missing something (such as charts of the oscilloscope, the configurations, automatic reconnection, the calibration…). But suppose someone, pharaonic work, come to control all functions of the HAL. The result would be only, he recreated a clone of HAL, in a different application.

As already written in the previous paragraph, If someone wants to try, take a seat.

How to use the HAL

The HAL can open and close by itself transparently. All applications that need it, the open and close their own. Normally the HAL open minimized and does not bother. But when you need it, You can open his window which is very useful, to make comfortable adjustments, and try the sensors. Then it minimizes again, so the next time you will get minimized.

How to open and close the HAL from within an application is explained here:

And if an application is not able to open and close the HAL?

In this case prepares a folder with your application, the HAL and a file “Start All”, as explained here:

  1. Vincenzo says:

    interesting solution.
    recovery and go on the official video for a comparison with the data obtained with piezo.
    a microphone detection would be filled with so many spurious waves due to the general chaos.
    but I try anyway.
    In any case, I think I found the solution.
    In SignalScope after starting RUN instead of re-press run to Stop, you can click directly on “save buffer” It seems to work well.
    What do you think?

    • Livio says:

      Yes, if it's something important, the “save buffer” is the operation to be done before anything else. And then it would be well also back up your saved file (put that by mistake you write the…). However, if you do not lose the original audio buffer the redo as many times as you want.

      If the microphone positions near where the shooting, the readability of the shots will be perfect.
      And’ already excellent that of youtube, if you pay attention to the public does not bother at all.
      The only disturbing is the speaker, probably because it was connected to the same mixer used to record.

  2. piero says:

    hi Livio

    I want to ask you something about the LOGGER; Currently there are 8 channels that can be recorded; how do I add more channels in the Logger application? I am currently working with two masters that via a PC, they show me two blocks of 10 Slots in total (visible in HAL through a single table (slot 1-6 and 11-14), pear tree’ the LOGGER acquires only 8 slot. How do I register more than 8 channels and store them in a single file *.csv. There is a “logger.exe” with 10 slot?

    thank you in advance

  3. Giorgio says:

    HEY, I have a problem
    I own a cutter 3 Axes controlled by your software, maybe it's a hardware problem but so far I haven't found any, in which the Z does not move (controlled by a stepper) and the spindle.
    could you tell me the properties of both pins?

    Thank you

    • Livio says:

      The Z axis should definitely be set as Stepper
      and then the next pin becomes Stepper_Dir and their two Slots must be 5 and 6

      If X and Y work for you, it's very strange that Z doesn't move., maybe the Z driver is missing ?

      The spindle is controllable in various ways so there is no simple answer, you have to read what we wrote in the HELP of Theremino CNC

      If you can't call me on Skype as: livio_enrico and I'll help you get it going.

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