Theremino MCA
Theremino MCA Version 4.0 – Spectrum of Caesium with Crystal Nai(TL)
There is an improved version of the PMT Adapter !
The new version has many advantages:
– Has built-in sound card, so there is no need to find a suitable card and modify it.
– It does not need the current limiter because there is no longer the connection cable with the jacks that
they could make short circuits.
– Works better and does less disturbance than the original version.
To have the PMT Audio Adapter in KIT or mounted contact Lello on this page
If you need the files to modify the PCB ask Lello to send them to you.
Wiring diagrams and assembly plans are here: PMT Adapter – New Version
Miscellaneous information
– Wiring diagrams and assembly plans of the first version: PMT Adapter
– Gamma Spectrometry:
– Hardware, DIY and kits:
– Images and videos:
– Article about Open Source Electronics: crafts-to-gamma-spectrometry-signal conditioning-of-
Very useful information on gamma spectrometry
which include Spectra images for a large number of isotopes
kindly provided by Physics Open Lab –
– In Italian:
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This surge of low energy (only 37 Kev) highlights the extreme cleanliness of the baseline (only 200 UV pep noise) ottenenibile with the latest versions of PmtAdapter
Mini Help
Start with Bins = x 2 Use, If possible, 192KHz sampling Keep AudioIn to 1 (unless the signal is too low) Start with AudioGain = 1, AudioZeroTrim = 0 and DeadTime in 250 Start with the BaseLineRestoring on with 60 and 60 The audio signal level (Note 1) It's fine when: – the program says "Signal" OK "to the 90% of the time – the Peak-Meter indicates at least 30% no later than 90% Adjust the two sliders to the right at the bottom so you can see the peak of Caesium (660 Kev) in the right place.
In our “Blog” There are many comments and “Tips” help you learn about the ThereminoMCA and to better adjust its controls: /blogs/gamma-spectrometry
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Release notes
V 2.2 – After numerous tests and improvements we begin directly from 2.2
V 2.3 – Now there's also the Zoom adjustments, the oscilloscope is improved, the Help file contains two new pages, and the trigger complains a little’ less about noise. The “import” do not work yet, the BaselineRestore is only sketched, There are still many things to complete and improve and the time is always short, bear with me.
V 2.4 – The regulations now allow use with lower than normal signals. The “Noise meter” works better. The green line on the right ends exactly at the point of saturation of the sound card so that it is evident the point not to be exceeded. The pulse display is improved and removed many small defects.
V 2.6 – The new control “Audio Gain” makes it possible to increase the level of the audio signal and then to work with sensors that have a very low signal. Keep the audio signal low also helps to keep away from the zone of saturation. The BaseLine restoring works, its effect should show up on the lower energies, the lines should shake and noise decreasing, but I didn't notice much improvement. Now when you click on the chart also enters the “Identification of isotopes” We were asked by Tomy – YouTube channel: crnazvijezda and in the status line at the bottom also appears the isotope closer to selected energy.
V 2.7 – Automatic adjustment of the Trigger has become, in its place the new control “Min. Energy” to exclude the lower energies, and then the noise so more interactive. With this change, all data are retained even those of the first bins and you can analyze it with the “Pulse Shape Visualizer” in order to facilitate the development of hardware. The “Zoom” has a higher hike, allowing you to display better low energies for XRF.
V 2.9 -The version 2.9 available from tonight (11 November 2012), contains the “FWHM meter”, the “Automatic detection of pulse polarity” and the “Baseline Restorer” running, tightening the top and significantly lowers the noise rug.
V 2.10 -The version 2.10 contains minor improvements and some bug in less. The Tomy version of “Identification of isotopes” is available in the root folder.
V 2.11 -The version 2.11 contains many improvements and some bug in addition. The integration of’ “Isotope identifier” Tomy is completed but still has some minor flaws, tomorrow we will put them in place.
V -The version 2.12 contains many small improvements and some bug in less.
V 2.18 – This is version 2.12 with minimal changes. It also works with strong signals without stopping after 20 seconds.
V 3.5 – Major changes from the 3.5 onwards – leggete il file ToDo
V 3.6 – Corretti piccoli difetti della 3.5
V3.7 – Corretto il difetto del RUN e “Stop after sec” e cambiato il VuMeter che ora è un vero VuMeter standard (logaritmico, tarato in dB e con fondo scala da 0.7Veff – 2Vpep – pari alla saturazione della scheda audio) – La prima parte dell HELP con i comandi principali è terminata.
V3.8 – Reduced CPU work when Pulse shape visualizer is not Running – Now if not using “thick lines”, “shape visualizer” or “full screen” the CPU work is reduced about to zero – Removed minimize button from pulses and equalizers forms – Corrected the “Ref2” button showing only the text “Ref” – Interpolated “BinToEnergy” function for more precise pulses Min and Max limits – Increased efficiency of “EnergyToBin” and “BinToEnergy” functions – Saved also the status of the “Pulse shape visualizer” “Run” button
V3.9 – Implemented the new tool: “Menu Tools” / “Auto zero trim” – Corrected a rare crash with 44100 or 48000 and BaseLineRestoringSize very little – Help files are improved.
V 4.2 – The new “Baseline testing” is a great improvement over the old “Beseline restore” – The new parameters MaxSlope and MaxNoise you can retrieve the lower energies even with noisy signals. The new “Resolution compensation” experimental and not documented, decreases the FWHM more than hoped for (is in the tab “Options”, for NaI(TL) use the values 20,20,10,10) Other things have changed, now the old parameters may not be the best, better try again with new regulations… Read the documentation files and file of Todo, using the Help menu
V 4.3 – Documentation files are fully finished!!! Now we begin to translate them into English.
V 4.4 – Documentation files are only in Italian but we finally found a translator (not human) that works. Within a few days all documents will be translated into English.
V 4.5 – Documentation files are all translated into English.
V 4.6 – Documentation files are all translated into Japanese !!!
V 4.7 – The program starts in English – Added a default configuration file for those who want to return to the initial configuration – Fixed some issues for 64 bit.
V 4.8 – Read the audio section is replaced with the new class AudioIn for greater stability on Windows 7, Windows 8 and Wine even in 64 bit and multicore CPUs.
Version 4.9 – Pulse Viewer now shows the pulse energy even when not using the normalization. The energy provided by pulse Viewer assumes that the Crystal is linear and are not changed by the linearizer of energies (otherwise vertical squares should have different amplitudes of each other and the display would become difficult and poorly understood) Histogram files exported now contain all bin, then data is exported also to the left and right of the graph visible. If someone wanted to bring it back as before or, for example,, change only one limitation, the exporter of histograms is located in the GetBinDataString function of the cSpectrometer class. The new control “Max” (located above the chart) allows you to manually set the vertical scale.
V 5.0 – Pulse Viewer now shows the pulse energy before and after flattening. The new control “Max” (located above the chart) now indicates the right values even if you use the filter. A great improvement in pulse recognition algorithm allows to work well even in the presence of loud ringing in the area that precedes the impulses. You get an additional improvement of resolution and a substantial lowering of the carpet of noise. Version 5.1 – MAX button and number set now are also visible in images saved. The number of the button MAX instead of becoming grey becomes invisible and this makes more obvious its operation. The documentation also includes the new file “Minimizingfwhm” Version 5.2 – Small variations in the documentation: Deletes the page about americium from file “Minimizingfwhm” because doubts have been raised about the identity of the isotopes displayed in charts.
V 6.1 – The list of isotopes now works in many ways. When it is visible, just press the left mouse button on the chart to locate the closest isotopes. And’ can also order it for energy so you can see nearby energies or alphabetically to view all energies of the same isotope. Another big improvement is the vertical scale which can be selected either in CPS that absolute number of pulses. Many other small improvements make this version well in excess of the 5. For news read the Help in English.
Version 6.3 – This is the latest experimental version of Nobu, with added our improvements. Also works on multi-monitor systems, with the secondary monitor to the left of the main (or even above or below). The menu and toolbar have gradients, that make it easier to see the keys. The gamebar pressed commands, have an accent color. The toolbar and menus work at first click, Although the main window is not selected. We have also fixed all the little flaws were born during the transition from XP to Windows-7/8.
Version 6.7 –
– Parametric equalizer and linearizer have become (You can adjust the energy of each band) and you can adjust the maximum amount of intervention for easier.
– In the window of the isotopes there are new commands to disable them all to select all rows.
– You can select the isotopes by double clicking on the main window.
– New vertical labels explain the meaning of cursors.
– The new Super Carman deconvolution can tighten the lines so amazing. It starts with some assumptions: (1) Learn about the isotopes that create the curve. (2) Be sure that the influence of the isotopes are not considered to be negligible. (3) Knowing the Gaussian width produced by Crystal. If the assumptions are valid and adjustment of “Deconv. Size” is OK, then you can calculate the exact, the activity of each isotope. The lines produced can be tightened with the parameter “Blur Size”. The results are very similar to those obtained with the expensive pure germanium detectors.
– If you adjust “Blur Size” zero, then the activities of selected lines are concentrated in single BIN. And’ then can send CPS values to slots. Each selected row will be sent to a different slot, enabling “OnlySelectedRows”. This way you can get measurements in Bequerel, without the complicated, cumbersome and arbitrary executions, manual adjustments of ROI (Region Of Interest).
Version 6.8 – Small improvements since version 6.7
– The IIR filtering is enabled button works again, If you drop the filter is disabled.
– The status of the RUN button is remembered. Some users wanted this to be able to start without the auto RUN.
– By popular demand the window is again massimizzabile. Use this option with full knowledge, consumes a lot of CPU, without improving the visibility of rows. And don't post pictures with Windows over 1280 x 768 otherwise the WEB labels become illegible!!!
Version 6.9 – This version starts with the Super-Deconvolution disabled. Also every time that you enable a warning message appears.
Version 7.0 – Many useful news:
– The list of isotopes has new commands to extend, or select, energy lines.
– There is a new file that contains the energies, commonly used for radioactive samples.
– New commands allow both to select sample, and to edit the file.
– In the menu “Tools” there's a new entry, to start the pulse Simulator.
– On the toolbar, there is the new “Audio inputs”, that leads directly to the sound card settings.
– In the Panel “Audio Input” There's a new box, to select the audio inputs. Finally, with their name on it!
– To avoid sporadic count resets, change the direction of impulses does not more reset counting.
– Also the button “Integr. time (SEC)” does not resets counting.
– We do not have time to bring these changes in the documentation files. However they are quite evident.
Version 7.1 – Deleted the file CustomControlsLib.dll that faced problems with Linux and Mac.
Version 7.2 – Expanded the scale of energies up to 10 MeV and widened the scope of adjusting parameters MinEnergy and EnergyTrimmer. With these changes you can now build Alpha particle spectrometers. Unfortunately, the solid state sensors required are expensive and awkward to use. If you are not working under vacuum lines are widening and moving, due to the attenuation caused by air ’. For more information visit PhysicsOpenLab, where in the coming days (end of October 2016) will be published an article explaining how to build and use a spectrometer alpha.
Version 7.3 – Added menus to Chinese and Portuguese languages (language files are then supplemented by ch knows them well).
Version 7.4 – Added a decimal for KeV in both Export Pulse Height Histogram and status bar
Attention: Versions 6.7 onwards, contain the new Super-Deconvolution that, used incorrectly, can produce values completely wrong. If you don't know it keep it disabled. Below in this page you can download a PDF that explains
Download Theremino MCA – Version 7.4
Theremino_MCA_V7.4_WithSources (version for programmers)
For all systems from Windows XP to Windows 10, both 32 which in 64 bit (Linux and OSX with Wine)
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The basic documentation you download the software Theremino MCA.
In the next frame, There are some more specific PDF files.
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Gamma Spectrometry
Xray Fluorescence
SIPM – Solid State Photomultipliers
Minimizingfwhm – We have managed to reduce the FWHM under the 6% He left incredulous some experts. We then received the request a document explaining the techniques we used.
The originals (ODT) for translators (with all other) in the next paragraph.
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Editable documents in ODT format – English and Japanese Those who know these languages could open the file in Open Office, fix them and send them to us. For other languages, you can take the file and have it translated to English: that is great, a breeze and respects the formatting. ThereminoMCA_Documentation_ENG_JAP
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Older versions for nostalgic, archaeologists and thrill-seekers.
Theremino MCA – Version 6.3
6.3 ThereminoMCA_V
Theremino MCA – Version 6.3 – Complete project
6.3 theremino_mca_v _WithSources
Theremino MCA – NKOM beta – Experimental and extended versions We advise everyone to try these versions, on our computers worked perfectly. The extensions are great, useful and very well done. ATTENTION: The file linked at Nobu in the download page is not the latest version and contains errors. Get the latest version from here: (put in chronological order by clicking “Last modified” twice and download the latest version)
Download old version 6.1 – Complete project In this file you will find the program Theremino_MCA with the source Theremino_mca_v 6.1 _WithSources
Download old version 3.9 – Complete project In this file you will find the program Theremino_MCA with the source Theremino_mca_v 3.9 _WithSources
Download old and simple version 2.20 – With files ssource For those who prefer a version with a few commands and low performance yet easy to use here is the version 2.20 that includes executable and source. Theremino_mca_v _WithSources 2.20
Just for archaeologists – Download version 2.2 (the first published version) with files ssource Just for the thrill seeker, simple and full of errors. Theremino_mca_v 2.2 _WithSources
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Operating systems – Thereminomca definitely works on XP, Vista and Windows7, both 32 which in 64 bit. Only in some rare cases missing DotNet 3.5 and you receive an error type “failed to initialize”. If this happens install DotNet 3.5 with confidence, It never hurts. Even if you already have the DotNet 4 installed however the 3.5, do not bother. The “Dotnet 3.5 SP1” you download from here: = 22
Processor and memory – No request. Runs perfectly, with maximum performance, on the old notebook from 1.6 Gigahertz and 1 Gigs of Ram that we use for testing.
Linux and MacOSX – And’ can use these operating systems but with more difficulty and lower performance. Roberto is completing the tests and will soon publish the installation instructions in the related websites: /downloads/linux and /downloads/mac-osx
Test files With these signals you can test the operation of the ThereminoMCA even without Hardware. Download them from here: blogs/gamma-spectrometry/audio-files
Isotope identifier (built into the menu tools) For recommendations and requests you can write directly to “Tomy” – Tomy – 9A5TOM

A portable laboratory Geiger and a Tablet with Windows
A minimally radioactive (pumice stone), followed by a measure of the Environment Fund.
More information:
– Electrical schematics and Assembly plans:
– Gamma Spectrometry:
– Hardware, DIY and kits:
– Images and videos:
– Article about Open Source Electronics:
Additional documents that you download the application
We thank Massimiliano, Salvatore and G.Fanelli (You will find their links to files), for this thorough and complete documentation.
1) Connect the master USB
2) The master must blink fast
3) Download from here:
4) Launch
5) Select the line of the pin that is used as input ( from 1 to 6 )
6) In the "properties" select "Pin PinType = Counter ' and ' Slot = 1″ (or Search if you want to).
7) Minimize but do not close it
8) Launch Theremino_Geiger
9) In “Tab” "Options" select "sensor type” = “Geiger tube used "
10) Always in “Tab” "Options" select "input = 1?
11) Should now begin to click.
12) Close the analog meter and in laboratory serves no purpose and is not accurate
13) In the tab "select" Operation Seconds FIR filter = 9999?
14) Place the sample and press "start a new measure"
15) Wait until the reading stabilizes.
16) Each time you press the "submit a new measure" and wait until the reading stabilizes.
Instructions for uploading files via FTP
In the same folder as the ThereminoGeiger.exe file, There is a file called “FTP and HTTP upload notes.txt”. If the file is not there, then it is good to download the latest version of ThereminoGeiger, located in the next paragraphs of this same page.
Depending on your FTP address to be set can be different, in some cases also very strange, as per the following examples:
“FTP://” (Aruba)
“FTP://” (Aruba)
“FTP://” (
If you can't then you should get the syntax provider. Another way to locate the FTP address, you might use a program like FastFTP (an application written by us, convenient to manage FTP sites and locate addresses “difficult”)
Release notes
Version 1.6 – Many improvements including the ability to change the scale of the graphics window. Version 1.1 – Additional improvements including the ability to save the graph of radiation as PNG or JPG.
Version 2.2 – Further improvements and finally also the Help contains at least the parts most needed, There is still much to be completed but the time and’ always short… In the documentation folder we have also added a file on Geiger tubes containing useful information.
Version 2.5 – On the file menu now in addition to “Save cropped area of plot as image” There is also “Save all as image”
Version 3.0 – Now you can also use sensors to measure Radon in picocuries per litre and Bequerel/m3 (instructions for building a simple but precise ion room coming soon)
Version 3.1 – The image of logs and that which is copied on the website include the values of the left side in order to give more complete information.
Version 3.6 – Many small defects were corrected but no substantive changes.
Version 3.7 – Eliminated the error message that blocked the entire program on the first network error. Fixed small errors including the words “Candlesticks” without “k”
Version 3.8 – Eliminated the terrible BUG that ran the analog meter so “random”. Now the analog meter works as it should.
Version 3.9 – Further improved the operation of analog meter.
Version 4.1 – Transmission of the actual value (us/h or pCi/l) to a WEB page (see example in the folder “ExtraPHP MySql examples”)
Version 4.2 – The new pages 7, 8 and 9 the program's Help files give a guideline on how to set the time of FIR filter for environmental monitoring applications.
Version 4.3 – Changes to run under Mono (Linux and MacOsx)
Version 4.4 – Change the alarm threshold adjustment to make it adjustable even under 1 us/h – Improved Help file
Version 4.5 – Finally found a translator (not human) that works. Within a few days all documents will be translated into English.
Version 4.6 – All documents are translated into English.
Version 4.7 – Documentation files are all translated into Japanese.
Version 4.8 – The sound section is replaced with the new class AudioOut for greater stability on Windows 7, Windows 8 and Wine even in 64 bit and multicore CPUs.
Version 4.9 – Deleted the program crash that occurred in the event LOG on a wrong FTP. Now if you get it wrong the “FTP folder” the program does not send data but not by mistake. Remember to use complete addresses as in this example: “FTP://”
Version 5.1 – The data updated with some new geiger tubes and ion Chambers 1, 2 and 5 liters. Updated some Help files (for now only in Italian). The file “GeigerTubes_ITA.pdf” contains new pages very interesting.
Version 5.2 – Deletes a nasty source of error! In previous versions by toggling the button “Log file to FTP”, the log file was sent so really unintuitive, with the same frequency of updating data. Many users have therefore set a frequent data refresh (for example every second) and sent dozens of megabytes per second via FTP. It amazes me that in those conditions the program could still work, sometimes for many days in a row, but in the end surely went haywire. Now this flaw is fixed, all items of data via the WEB using the repeating check box that is in the corresponding box to FTP and HTTP and you cannot set it to less per minute.
Version 6.3 – The suggestions collected during the past two years, are all implemented. We thank the investigators for their tests and their ideas.
– And’ can minimize the window to the taskbar, without losing the accumulated chart.
– If you change the size of the window the chart is recalculated (a little’ plan if it is long hours or days, but don't you lose more, as happened in previous versions).
– The scale of speed now goes by 1 to 10. Go with the mouse over the box “Scroll speed” to list the relative display times.
– The scales have become four: Sievert, Roentgen, Curie and Bequerel.
– Fixed some small miscalculations in measurements of Radon.
– Analog tool also works with ion and rooms with all units of measure.
– The analog instrument is more accurate even with very low CPS.
– Added to the log size CPH (counts per hour). And’ a special format (similar to that used by Giuliani in 2002) for research on seismic precursors of IARESP.
– The sensitivity value, for one-litre ion Chambers (built according to our instructions) is 0.43 CPS/Bq/l. Thanks Carman who made the measurements at the harp.
Versions 6.4 and 6.5
– Improved the operation of the stairs in the various units of measurement.
– You can make automatic uploads, log files and images, even with the window minimized.
– Fully eliminated flashings at startup of the application.
Version 6.6
– Deleted the file CustomControlsLib.dll that faced problems with Linux and Mac.
– Correct the calibration coefficient for one-litre ion Chamber with the new value 0.43.
Version 6.7
– Added Chinese and Portuguese languages menu
– Change all JAPs to JPN
– Now you can also choose 2, 3 and 6 hours for the width of the display.
– Now the Geiger application allows Windows to shut down
– The lower bar displays the time and intensity pointed by the mouse cursor.
– The possible views of the chart have changed from 10 to 14 and now you can also set the length of a week.
ATTENTION: With the new calibration value, corrections to Geiger and new versions of ion Chamber about five times greater than those values that were previously. Much of this variation is due to the fact that before we measured the “Radon concentrations” (as indicated by the “Word Health Organization” and from the “European Union”), whereas now we measure the “Radon Activity”. We had to adapt to this custom to give similar values to other Radon measurement devices on the market. More info here:
ATTENTION: The room was again improved ion. We added a resistor between Gate and mass to stabilize the voltage of the FET with very humid air (until 70% and beyond). And we have increased both the stabilization in amplifier circuit high voltage generator. New projects are posted here:
ATTENTION: Those using the LOG and send it via the WEB, take into account that it is better to prevent the LOG file from becoming overly large. We recommend that you log in low frequency (for example, a given per minute) and ship LOGS and photos via FTP and HTTP, infrequently (for example, every hour or every day). A good practice, to prevent the LOG file grows too, you check it every month, renaming it with the name of the month. You can also rename files with ThereminoGeiger in operation. As soon as you change the file name a new log file is created from scratch.
In newer versions next to the executable to Theremino_Geiger there is a folder that contains If there is this folder then the HAL is launched automatically when you start and stop automatically at the end of execution.
Download Geiger – Version 6.7
Theremino_Geiger_V6.7_WithSources (version for programmers)
For all Windows systems to 32 and 64 bit. For Raspberry Pi, Linux, Android and OSX, read the installation notes.
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Editable documents in ODT format – English and Japanese ThereminoGeiger_Documentation_ENG_JAP Those who know these languages could open the file in Open Office, fix them and send them to us. For other languages you can translate English file with: that is very fast and respects the formatting.
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Linux and MacOSX – And’ can use these operating systems (with Wine, Mono or Parallels) but with greater difficulty and lower performance. Roberto is completing the tests and will soon publish the installation instructions in the related websites: /downloads/linux and /downloads/mac-osx
Technical details In this file you will find the construction details and all the technical details of the project ThereminoGeiger. A laboratory Geiger (PDF file with mechanical and electrical details) On this page a lot of useful information: questions-and-answers
Video, charts and data Nalla folder “Docs” There are many interesting and useful files software.
Connect a Geiger counter through your sound card A person with a Geiger counter can be connected to the sound card can use our software “Geiger” even without purchase our forms of InOut. The program “Audio Input” download from here: downloads/multimedia audio allows you to count impulses and send them to the “Geiger”.
ATTENTION: The GeigerAdapters of initial series, recognizable by facts with the cutter, without green paint and without printing, could be problems (keep Master reset). With Geiger Adapter of production this problem no longer exists. Check that you have GeigerAdapters series 003, otherwise replace the output resistor 330 ohms with one from 33k or contact us if you do not know how to.
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Measuring radon
Geiger can also measure the Radon. Ionic room information, for measurement “Go on” radon, I'm here:
hardware/inputs/radioactivity-sensors # ionchamber
Theremino Bridge
This little app acts as a bridge (bridge) between the serial line and slots system Theremino and allows you to import data from Geiger counters that send data on serial line. It then becomes possible to use our Open Source software without having to spend to purchase our hardware modules.
The protocols currently supported are as follows:
RAD – Each incoming character is interpreted as a “tick”, is added to a gauge to 16 bit (counting from 0 to 65535 and then back to zero and begins again) and the count sent to a or “slot”. Probably, to avoid losing pulse, you will have to use very high baud rate, Please also read as specified by Geiger used.
RAD mode allows you to easily connect the RS232 serial port Adapter Geiger with a minimum hardware. See the adapter here: * rs232
16 Bit number– This protocol receives a coded number with some ASCII characters (from 1 to 5) and ending with a LineFeed (character 10). The number, that must be in the range of 0 to 65535, is sent to a or “slot”. The baud rate must be right (normally 9600)
Incremental – This protocol receives a coded number with some ASCII characters and terminated with a LineFeed (character 10) The number received is new counts and is added to a gauge to 16 bit (counting from 0 to 65535 and then back to zero and begins again) and the count sent to a or “slot”.. The baud rate must be right (normally 9600)
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Download Theremino Bridge – Version 2.4
2.4 Theremino_Bridge_V
2.4 Theremino_Bridge_V _WithSources
For all Windows systems to 32 and 64 bit. For Raspberry Pi, Linux, Android and OSX, read the installation notes.
Theremino AudioInput
This small utility extracts the audio signal ticks from Geiger counters connected to the sound card, send the Slot count “Counter OUT” and makes it possible to use our Open Source software without having to spend to purchase our hardware modules.
Theremino AudioInput is used mainly for psychedelic applications, for which you download from the page multimedialii applications: downloads/news # audioinput